The Don

I Can't Side With The Left. I Just Can't!

66 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura maybe you're right, or maybe you're not. God knows. I did my part of following my desire to understand and went down some uncharted territories. I am thankful and I love myself for doing so.

I acknowledge the feeling present within me that you mentioned in the open mindedness video about becoming ideological and feeling dirty about it. Seeing the response, I am obviously hurting others with my apparent lack of compassion so I take a vow of silence from this forum until I have something substantial to offer. I am humbled. 

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@Vipassana trying to get people to see this truth proves to be an even bigger stressor than simply coping with the mainstream narrative. It’s really a shame and hard to accept when this info seems like it would help others but, really, they’d have to have nothing to lose, and something substantial to gain. Ideally they could see it as an opportunity for taking greater responsibility for their own health but at what stake, the lives of many? 
Valiant effort anyhow. It’s funny, a fb group I’m in called ‘fruit and sleep’ was literally kicking the people who weren’t willing to dive deep and look at the facts/evidence being shared, contradicting this “great panic” narrative. Like they had no time for people who weren’t open to learning “true health” 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


As if you have any sense of what the numbers ought to be.

If anything the numbers are under-counted and the situation is worse than the mainstream media reports.

Numbers of asymptomatic cases? Yes. Mortality Rate (aka, how serious it is), enormously less according to numerous more up to date research studies which youtube itself is censoring objective content covering (like press conferences with doctors) because it against WHO (as CEO Susan Wojcicji explicitly stated) an organization definitely not corrupt and without an agenda... Please do call me a conspiracy theorist. Better than a mainstream media sheep like you. 

Baa-baa! xD

Edited by TrynaBeTurquoise

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@The Don why ascribe to either? Both propose valuable points but both are inherently delusional and limited if taken to their epitome. Whether to take insight from either side should be a contextual matter not an absolutistic one. Seek to observe what a given environment needs at given time. Go meta and exercise the cognitive flexibility to move between both according to what is presently required. Adherence to either one only precipitates the fundamentalism we see in government all too often.

The friction between both sides, is the very reason why government fails operate as efficiently as it could. It’s not that the right or left is a problem, it’s that they fail to recognise the necessity and value in both. Allow a Love for both, as both are valuable.

Ps. Truth is beyond both a left vs. right dichotomy. This you are likely to only realise once ego and self/other perish.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Preety_India even this epidemic offers an abundance of shadow work, personally and collectively. Best to cast beliefs aside for the time being to focus on understanding if you were so inclined. (Just saying ;)

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


You're being vague and wishy washy. 

Not interested. 


You’re writing people off, lecturing them as if you know better when in fact you are assuming you do (know where they are coming from), so naturally, I’m asking you to consider there is a shadow to the narrative around the beliefs you hold shedding light on another reality. Of course you can’t take my word for it but would you be willing to rethink what you have been led to believe?  

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16 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


I don't believe in beliefs. I believe in facts. 

Go read Covid-19 facts then preach me. 


I’d you hadn’t read any concerning facts lately then I’d have to ask where you’re getting them. Who’s facts? Fox and cnn tend to paint completely different pictures for what’s happening, then you look at the mortality rates, false positives, cash incentive diagnoses, doctors crying out/questioning the fear-stained protocols killing people, and finally the scrutiny of the current accepted science of viruses

Edit: like honestly why shouldn’t we  be questioning the pharma-based modern medicine science used to diagnose and treat illness? 

Edited by DrewNows

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

You can discuss your elaborate conspiracy with your buddies that give you the nod.

All right then you better stay out of what does not concern you. Or I’ll send you more waves ? 

It’s not the facts that are concerning, but the different perceptions. I’d have thought that would be of interest but I suppose not everyone enjoys to surf 

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The Don, when it comes to the Corona virus there is no left or right, backwards and upwards, no up, no right, no just . Over talking about that rather its a good propaganda or not, people can get sick from talking about it . Have the media toned it down about the cough Apocalipse ,had they not grossly over reacted the entire situation, the body count world wide would have been 1-100 dead in stead of 10-100 dead.  But to really answer your question about the left and whats left of YouTube, its safe to say it was a rude fortunate coincidence that video was taking down. Sometimes it really is true : See No Evil, Hear No Evil 

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15 hours ago, The Don said:

I just wanna be on the right side. That's all. I'm saying this because I was tempted to join the left, as I thought the left represents the truth. Many of them don't.


There is no way for you to reason yourself into being a leftist. You either are or you aren't. 

If you are a conservative, of course you're going to see all the biases of the left. B/C that's what it means to be a conservative.

But notice there's no reason for you to be on the right either.

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3 hours ago, Vipassana said:

@Leo Gura maybe you're right, or maybe you're not. God knows. I did my part of following my desire to understand and went down some uncharted territories. I am thankful and I love myself for doing so.

I acknowledge the feeling present within me that you mentioned in the open mindedness video about becoming ideological and feeling dirty about it. Seeing the response, I am obviously hurting others with my apparent lack of compassion so I take a vow of silence from this forum until I have something substantial to offer. I am humbled. 

Thank you for sharing your perspective and for being humble.  This place can be a little harsh sometimes.

Edited by Artaemis

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You realize, right, that most of YT's moderation is done via AI algorithms, not humans?

Yes. I knew that.

In this case, it was YouTube that took down the video. They admitted that. That's why I started this topic.

Otherwise it wouldn't be such a problem.

YouTube should be the guardian of free speech, not the opposite.

Me on the road less traveled.

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54 minutes ago, The Don said:

YouTube should be the guardian of free speech, not the opposite.

Why? This is such a childish notion.

It's like saying airports should be the guardian of carrying whatever you want onboard a plane. (i.e. guns, explosives, your personal scrapbook of child pornography)

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2 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

Why? This is such a childish notion.

No. It's not a childish notion.

People should love their rights when it comes to freedom of speech.

Me on the road less traveled.

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1 minute ago, The Don said:

People should love their rights when it comes to freedom of speech.

This is how anti-free speech fascism gets its foothold, paradoxically.

You want complete freedom of speech, go to 4chan where you're free to talk about how the Jews are plotting to wipe out the human race or something. YouTube is a private platform with a TOS. Maybe you should think about why they have one.

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I keep wanting to say this analogy, what your talking about with free speech is like kids in a playground -

So theres a load of kids playing but a couple of them are bad and want to start fights and be troublemakers. So one of the kids says 'look lets start a new playground area where everyone is free to do what they want but we'll have some rules because these troublemakers are messing it up for everyone. We will still let them play as long as they follow these rules'. The rules are just to respect others, dont start trouble and be free and have fun.

The troublemakers dont agree with this and they come into the new area and say that your rules say we can be free and as part of our freedom we want to be able to be trouble makers, we also want to encourage other kids to do the same by telling them theyre not truly free because look at the restrictions theyre putting on us. As part of the rules the troublemakers get banned, they now complain and are outraged that they got banned and they try and get others to 'realise' that they too dont have freedom.

The intention is either to be allowed in but to be able to start fights and do what the wont or to completely destabilise the new area so they can make trouble and start fights. Keep in mind they are free to go and make their own playground area, they just dont want to because they want to have an affect on others.

This is what i think is the case with youtube 

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20 hours ago, assx95 said:

Who owns You Tube? Google. Google is known to be biased towards the left. I have read comments on google support which voices user problems. 

It has nothing to do with left or right here.

It's more about the $715 million project Google is doing with GSK.

Google is massively investing in big pharma. And rightfully so, it's the goldmine of the next decades.

It's about power, profit and control.  Money knows no party. It does not descrimate left or right?

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On 5/10/2020 at 10:26 AM, The Don said:

That's not freedom of speech.

If you want to live in a world of freedom, you need to stand up for the 1st amendment and against censorship. We need to speak up against censorship.

You have it backwards what YouTube did is 100% 1st amendment constitutionally protected freedom of speech.  That you imply it is anything else reduces the concept to a meaningless buzzword. The 1st amendment protects you from government censorship Youtube is not the government, youtube is a private platform. You’re basically complaining you don't have the right to do want you what in someone else's house. You have no 1st amendment right to be in someone else's house or on someone else platform. However, Youtube as the platform does have first amendment rights here. Who you give your platform to is an act of speech, youtube is the speaker here, not you or Tucker. It is Youtube choices in what to publish, not publish, censor, or take down on their platform  that is protect under the first amendment. This is not a left or right issue it is settled Constitutional law their is no debate to be had on this one. You talk much about loving your rights but you don't even know what they are.  "To stand up for the 1st amendment" means recognizing Youtube's rights inside of its own house. 

What your talking about here is not an issue of rights (again, not a buzzword to just throw around at will) it an issue of responsibility.   There is again no question that YouTube has a 1st amendment right to censor what is on its platform; however, the big and indeed very important question is are they doing it responsibly.  If you want Youtube to stand for truth your are not asking it to be free ,freedom includes the right to ignore the truth, your asking it to be wise.*   

Also, I agree with Leo you really have no idea how complicated Youtube operations are.  A video is meaningless it doesn't matter what the argument if it is not limited to that individual video and only that individual video all you have is a conformation bias driven circle jerk. A single data point out of billions is nowhere near that amount of data needed to form an evidence-based opinion. You can say this video didn't violate guidelines and was wrongfully taken down but everything after that is like making conclusions about an ocean from single drop of water (and then extrapolating that out even further to beyond that ocean no less). 

*Since I never pass a chance to use this VG quote:

"I understand now that our creed does not command us to be free; it commands us to be wise." 

Edited by Space Coyote

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