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Father Ocean - a good song & Devs - a good series

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Dear folks/spirits/souls/Gods

Just sharing some random stuff.

I stumbled upon this song 


And the lyrics blew me away. They me blew my so much away that I had to write down my thoughts on the meaning of them before I could come back to life.

This forum is about spirituality, right? So I thought I would share. Happy Sunday. Oh also btw, @Leo Gura and everyone. Watch "Devs" on HBO. A science-fiction mini-series created by Alex Garland. 1st episiode is great. 2-7 is decent. Last episiode, 8, is a masterpiece. Honestly, the last episode of Devs, is hands down the best hour of film I've ever watched in my life. Alex Garland - the person behind Ex Machina which is also a masterpiece - is a genius. The Stanley Kubrick of our times.
The series, especially the ending, is very spiritual in ways I won't go into detail about here. Just f'cking watch it.

Anyway, the song right. Here is my interpretation of the song:

This song seems very spiritual. “Father Ocean” could be a metaphor for God. It could also be a metaphor for “the Shadow” according to Jung’s theory about the human psyche. Jung thought that one of the most important tasks for a person was to integrate his or her Shadow. Lastly, it could also be a metaphor for Jung’s idea of a “collective unconscious”.

"You're the wave I was made from" -----

An ocean is vast. An ocean has many waves. The human global society is vast. It has many people. On the surface we all seem separated from each other. However, in truth, we may all be connected, we may all be ‘one’, just in the same way that all waves in an ocean are all interconnected and all part of the ocean.

In fact, the wave IS the ocean. 'The wave is something the whole ocean is doing, just in the same way that ‘you’ is something the whole universe is doing.' (- Loosely quoted from Alan Watts).

"Could it be your darkness holds the key?" -----

'It is by going down into the abyss
that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble,
there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter
turns out to be the source of
what you are looking for.' - Joseph Campbell

"Now take me back to where we once began
Ocean Father I was wrong
Years I followed just the sun" -----

He wants to go back to the beginning. To emptiness. Before time. Before form, before life. To the universal consciousness that exists behind all appearances. Behind all masks. (‘persona’ in Latin = ‘mask’).

You could call it death. But death implies life. Life implies death. You cannot have “up” without “down” and vice versa. In order to really live life, you have to also know death. 'Life' is dualistic, inherently. But 'being' is non-dualistic, inherently.

Much of his life he has chased the “goodness” of life. The next achievement. The next dopamine kick. The next “golden nugget”. Now, he has become tired of this process, this constant hunt. He wants to regain what he once lost. The knowledge of who he really is.

"But now I see your darkness holds the key
And then I close my eyes and I begin to see
When we were alone." -----

He realizes that in order to understand who – or what – he really is, he has to cast himself into the darkness. Turn inward, look inside.
“He closes his eyes” = he finally goes inside himself. There he sees ‘real being’. He sees that before himself as a person, there was (and is) just pure universal consciousness. God. Infinity. Nothingness. Love.

He realizes he truly is everything. There is only ‘oneness’. And this can feel a lot like being completely alone. But it can also evoke deep feelings of love, this deep realization of the interconnectedness of all things. You see that you are the other person and that the other person is you.

<3 <3 <3

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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I would have linked the non-remix version of Father Ocean. My mistake. And Leo has a silly rule that means I can't edit fast (have to wait years it feels like).

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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