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Just Had A Milestone Insight

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from a self-inquiry

Im not "behind my head" or my "visual field" 

Im a everywhere in the body, the visual field is just one aspect of myself that Ive fixated upon so hard that I think I am that, but if I look closely I can see that I exist everywhere in the body but in different sensations and flavours.

this insight was accompanied by a feeling of adrenaline, bliss and a weird sense of floatiness... 

this is a very fresh out of the oven hot baked bread insight, if anyone wants to clear it up for me or tell me Im wrong, please do :) 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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tipical meditation-like sensations,might be everything just fine with you i believe

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1 hour ago, Verdesbird said:

tipical meditation-like sensations,might be everything just fine with you i believe

im more than fine haha...

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Suddenly Leo's words started to feel just like thoughts in my own head

That's awesome! I had the exact same experience when I was listening to Eckhart Tolle a while back. I was lying down listening to him on my headphones and I was like, "Wait, who's thoughts are these?" Well, they weren't thoughts. It was Eckhart coming through the headphones.

You're the first that I've met describe the same thing happening to them.

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8 hours ago, Rilles said:


from a self-inquiry

Im not "behind my head" or my "visual field" 

Im a everywhere in the body, the visual field is just one aspect of myself that Ive fixated upon so hard that I think I am that, but if I look closely I can see that I exist everywhere in the body but in different sensations and flavours.


Different sensation and flavors are exist within the body. You (as nothingness or awareness) feel the sensations when you concentrate or meditate. Wherever your awareness is you sense of feel that part of body sensations. Thats why you exist in entire body as nothing. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@DefinitelyNotARobot I recently started listening to audio books and have decided that I'm going to close my eyes and listen to them in a meditative state. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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4 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

WELL I haven't had any direct experience of such thing in a pretty long time, but I once managed to actually expand that sense of "I" to the ENTIRE room I was in! It felt REALLY weird. My body felt like just another object within "myself". But I was on shrooms so I can't really talk about that one from a sober perspective.

Haha shrooms can be twisted, so you basically had a Samadhi, thats awesome!

Here is something I realized while sober though: Close your eyes and listen to the sounds you hear around you. Become aware of the fact that your mind is making up those sounds. You are sensing those sounds in the same way you are sensing your legs, your arm etc. If you REALLY realize this (which is pretty hard to do, at least for me) it will feel like the sense of "I" includes ALL the sounds you hear! These sounds will feel like thoughts. Like they are actually just your thoughts (which they really are if you think about it)

Yeah I can see that those sounds are contained in my awareness, but they dont quite feel like "me..." Guess I got more work to do :) 

I remember watching this video...

... of Leo. I was watching it and I tried to become really present. As present as I could. Suddenly Leo's words started to feel just like thoughts in my own head. It felt like... I was actually talking to myself! It was pretty weird. Especially when he started saying things like "You are god you just don't get it" which felt REALLY weird. It felt like "I" was trying to wake "myself" up. Go and try it yourself! Try to include the sound of Leo's voice into the sense of "I"! It will trip you out guaranteed! Haha will definitely try


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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