
Question about successful people

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I watched Leos video on successful people and as I am looking at my life purpose, if all goes well I will be extremely successful. Are all successful people unhappy ? is it worth even trying to be successful or should I just be normal and mediocre but content with life ? Can you be successful and happy ?

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@Chumbimba It's totally ok and common to be "mediocre" and content with life. The real definition of happiness is the ability to be content no matter where you are. But still what you consider success for yourself vs what "society" considers success should be 2 totally different things. Don't let other people define what you think you need to make yourself successful and happy.

You need to spend some time considering what you really want.

I'll ask you you a simple question - Without being greedy or fantasizing, what would be the bare minimum you need for your living situation and lifestyle for you to be happy (whatever happy means for you)?

- What size/quality house would you be content with?

- Where in the world/what kind of place would you want to live?

- What kind of lifestyle would you be living there? Sedentary or active?

- What would be the comfortable/minimum amount of income to have those without stress?

- Would you want a partner or children in that picture?

- What would you be doing day to day?

Answer these kind of questions as specifically as you can and you'll start to shape the parameters of what you authentically consider "successful and happy" for you.



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Good questions. I guess I based my concept of success on how Leo defines it (watched too many of his videos). I want a slow life. I would love to live in Spain. Sedentary I don't like moving fast. I also don't want to be a wage slave. At least 100k a year. Probably a partner but no children (maybe one son :) ), day to day.. meditation, coding, watching movies, reading, learning, chilling.

Hope this gives you perspective 


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Also I would love to travel. At the same time this all seems selfish. I would love to have a huge contribution on the world too 

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@28 cm unbuffed You're right, I just feel a whole in my soul if I don't carry out on my life purpose fully and give selflessly 

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Its not that success makes you unhappy. Leo says that unhappy people become successful.

They are unhappy with the current situation -> They become gods of manipulating reality in order to change the situation -> They successfully change the situation -> The new situation doesnt change how they are feeling inside.

Then they become confused because all their life they thought happiness lies at the end of the tunnel. When in reality happiness has nothing to do with the thing they were aiming for.

Always remember that and you wont fall into the trap of thinking happiness is found externally.

Edited by universe

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I am in between chasing big success and having a simple frugal life where I have the simple things.

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I know I dont want to live in America because I don't like the culture. It's too materialistic 

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@Chumbimba yes you can be happy while being successful, infact being successful gives you an advantage over the unsuccessful already even though it's not a pre requisite to be happy but it always helps. 

Few tips for happiness in no particular order:

Practice gratitude.

Savor the things you find beauty in. 

Be a creator vs competetor.

Practice negative visualization.

Take care of your physical and mental health.

Live a life bigger than yourself for others. 


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