
Self Image Malleable?

7 posts in this topic

I saw Leo's video on self image and I was intrigued in it,for anyone who didn't watch it I think he/she should (yes I used the word should) watch it ,it talks about how much we see and belief of ourselves and how reality woks determines the results we get of ourselves and reality,and that most of our beliefs are flaud, hence robbing us from our potential (self Actualisation).

although @Leo Gura does not mention any practical way to change the self Image of one self,so if anyone has an idea,can you please help?

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so Enlightenment is the way?


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Imagine yourself being a mediocre dude in a big city. You compare yourself to others and you make yourself drown in a self image of mediocrity. Imagine what would happen if you go to the poorest city in the world. You will be treated like a god, probably. Your self image suddenly becomes totally different. You look in the mirror and see a god. That is just an example that doesn't have to be correct. But what I am trying to say is:

You can let people influence the way you see yourself or you can go your own path. Just be what you want to be. If you have a negative self image, then you will be a negative being for the rest of your life. This negative self image doesn't serve you. It serves people that try to control you. Doesn't matter whether the person is somebody in your family or somebody working for a company that is trying to sell a product by making you believe that you are a failure. Don't wait for something external to give yourself the power to create an awesome life. Go forward and therefore every step you take will transform you and your self image.

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2 hours ago, Rashad said:

so Enlightenment is the way?


Hi Rashad,

To answer your question, yes I think enlightenment is the way. 

Please check out some defining moments here:


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When you notice yourself as the perfect expression of the Divine, what is there left to resist? When you see that you are love, then nothing else matters.  There is nothing else to do except let the dance continue.

I can't think of a greater self image than seeing the one you already have is perfect as it is.  

All neurosis collapses in light of this realization :) it HAS to, love and hate cannot survive in the same space.

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