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Guest Tobia

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

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A few weeks ago I posted on this forum about my concerns regarding Bill Gates' authority and enormous power during the current crisis.  I was called a paranoic conspiracy theorist.

I actually went back openly to considering the possibility that this guy is just doing his best to help and I was a fool to question his godly agenda.

In the meantime however, many things happened and so many facts have come to surface. It turns out, tens of millions of people had the same concerns I had and history is slowly revealing more and more about this man.

It's not hard to discover that massive corporate interests and agendas hide behind his philantropic facade.  Vandana Shiva has been pointing out for many years how Gates is effectively continuing Monsanto's work around the World, but hiding behind his philantropic front and positive reinforcement by the media.

Turns out that in the majority of his projects, the initiave is funded by him, the media reporting the initiative is funded by him and, often, even the Government entities who are supposed to control and authorize are also funded by him.

There's no need to imagine theories or involve reptilians, that actually does a disservice in revealing his real impact. If one is willing and open to see it, there is a lot to be concerned about. 

Beyond pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. Beyond Covid or no covid. This goes way further because this stuff is not mental masturbation, it affects YOU.  His decisions affect you personally, your own body.  It's not a joke.

It's extremely important to understand that the most dangerous rich villains do not fuck super models on a yacht. They do not buy private islands and retire. 

That's a naive and childish idea, @Leo Gura. Many would in fact argue that it'd be amazing If Bill did all those things and did not mess with our health.

I couldn't care less if he fucked supermodels or bought 100 houses. Why would that be a problem? Instead, I do care once it involves my own body and my own freedom.

The most dangerous villains show themselves humble, caring and loving. They deceive the public, maintain a positive image and facade to then stab us in the back. 
Power, in fact, gets you drunk more than vodka. Power and control are the ultimate pleasures for the ego, not supermodels on yacht. That's for amateurs.

But these above are just my stupid ideas...

Instead, this independent journalist has done an outstanding job explaining how Gates' tentacles are inflitrating so many apects of global health. 

If there's something here, it should be self evident without any conspiratorial interpretations or speculations. Highly recommend to give this a chance and check the facts for yourself.

Part 2 just came out.

Since then a White House petition has been launched with over half a million people signing on it's just one the many.petition.PNG


Lastly, I'll say this. If you think he doesn't care about regular people like me. You are wrong. When 100 million people turn against him, you better believe he starts to be careful and worries about the safety of his family.

A trillion dollars couldn't save him if the entire world turns against him (and it is slowly happening).  If there are actually crimes, corruption and medical malpractise, it could get ugly for him very quickly.

Do not underestimate the power of people. He wouldn't spend tens of millions of dollars per year on positive media coverage if public opinion wasn't important.



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28 minutes ago, Tobia said:

A few weeks ago I posted on this forum about my concerns regarding Bill Gates' authority and enormous power during the current crisis.  I was called a paranoic conspiracy theorist.

I actually went back openly to considering the possibility that this guy is just doing his best to help and I was a fool to question his godly agenda.

It is easy for the mind to get immersed in a binary mindset in which “person X” is either an authoritarian with nefarious intent OR a well-intentioned altruist genuinely trying to increase the welfare of society. It’s not always this simple. 

You mention that for weeks you have been “openly considering the possibility” of altruistic intent. A few weeks is a long time to explore and investigate. A mind that is genuinely  open would find many instances after several weeks of exploration. It would explore areas of “pure altruistic”, “mostly altruistic” and “partially altruistic”. . . Yet you return to double down on the exact same position you had a few weeks ago. This suggests that you did not have a genuine open mind to learn, discover and expand. Rather that you have doubled-down on pre-conceived beliefs you had prior to weeks of “exploration”.

I’m not saying this person is a nefarious autocrat or an altruistic saint. He likely has mixtures of both. People are complex beings. . . Rather, I’m pointing toward attachment to a pre-conceived belief system. To protect this belief system, notice how the mind creates self delusion of open-mindedness. “I just spent a few weeks researching with an open mind and nothing has changed - my initial belief system was completely accurate and has been reinforced. Now I will show all my critics how wrong they were and how right I am”. Do you really think people will think “Omigosh. I had thought that Tobia’s ideas had aspects of conspiracy. Yet he says that he openly explored outside his perspective for a few weeks and now he returns to say his original perspective is completely accurate and 100% conspiracy-free.”

If you feel the need to write in bold “This is not a conspiracy theory and there is no speculation”, you probably shouldn’t post it here. 

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