
Is it worth it losing your virginity to a hooker?

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@Meta-Man That is so heartbreaking to hear man, but also beautiful at the same time, and I completely understand. 

You sound like (one of) the more extreme cases where awakening not only shakes your inner being to the core, but radically changes your life, and in your case it sounds very radical. 

Do you struggle relating to unawakened beings? 

I guess everyone is different, but I don’t struggle at all relating to my friends who have next to 0 interest in truth, and when I was with my Ex while spirituality caused issues at first (I thought I had to become a monk lol) eventually it helped me only blossom the relationship. 

I must admit, I did get a little “jealous” seeing couples like Rupert& His wife, Ramaji& Ananda etc who both had a deep love for truth and were both awakened, but it wasn’t the main reason behind us splitting, unless it was for God. 

I also like how you empathise there is no requirements on this path, it is simply what happens, for some they blossom sexually, for others, celibacy happens naturally like for Ramana as you said. Either way it’s beautiful, and the absolute freedom (from love) for either is the true beauty. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@DIDego Not sure what you mean by that.

@Anna1  What would be feel better? Telling her that my past sexual life has been jerking off to a screen and my imagination? I don´t see how that would me feel "better". Although of course by now any kind of shame or guilt regarding to sexual stuff I pretty much healed and trascended. So it´s not that I´m going to judge me anyways.

@Wisebaxter Nice, good to know your perspective.

7 hours ago, Meta-Man said:


Why is that so hard to believe? Most people are completely inhibited. 

Don’t forget the fact that 99,99%+ of all people are not really living at all. They’re just surviving, struggling and suffering.

People are married in separation for a lifetime. They don’t truly unite until their bodies die, sadly.

I had sex a thousand times (great sex really) before the one time I had the experience of true transcendent sex. That was one month after my first glimpse of Truth. It was something that had become unlocked. I had become unlocked. 

This was actually the last time I had sex. Right after the ‘Path’ called for me to leave my girlfriend and my entire life. This was 6 years ago.

Married to the Lord ??‍♂️

So clearly I’m not saying this to brag.

It’s about being uninhibited. To be truly uninhibited ‘you’ cannot be there, because ‘you’ are a limitation. 

By uninhibited I don’t mean licking and fisting assholes. I’m talking strictly energetic intensity. It can’t really be described.

Wow that´s real talk! 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Anna1  What would be feel better? Telling her that my past sexual life has been jerking off to a screen and my imagination? I don´t see how that would me feel "better". Although of course by now any kind of shame or guilt regarding to sexual stuff I pretty much healed and trascended. So it´s not that I´m going to judge me anyways.


I was just saying my opinion about the situation. If it doesn't apply, then so be it. If your dead set about wanting to sleep with a hooker, then go do it. Im not sure why we are discussing it then? Will it be as fufilling as sex with a girl that likes you, no, probably not.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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On 5/8/2020 at 10:24 AM, electroBeam said:

In my country, guys don't openly let everyone know they've been with hookers

relationships based on lies and secrets is not the way to go regardless of country:P


Edited by Spiral

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7 hours ago, Meta-Man said:

At some point I was a practically homeless

Yes & no. I’m a much better small talker than before as there’s an ease about me now that wasn’t there before. I actually enjoy it for the most part. And I used to hate it. Obviously it depends on ‘who’ I’m talking to aswell, as people are so different from eachother. Now I just play the character to the extent that it suits/amuses me. A funny and peculiar character indeed ?

At the same time, apart from the differences in the way viewing and perceiving life and my ‘strange’ lifestyle, the One behind the character doesn’t need anything from anyone anymore. So I don’t seek out friendships / relationships. If I never met another human again it would be fine. That changes the dynamics of ones social life alot.

That said, I see everybody as my friends and treat them as such - - - unless I have a bad day/moment (still not ‘Done’). Even though I don’t ‘hang out’ in the classical way anymore. 

When convos steer into the subject of Advaita I get really enganged, to the point where I could talk for 24 hours non-stop if it was required. The body is the only limit. This is what I enjoy the most in life, activity wise. So I obv like talking to people ??‍♂️

Yes - the path varies alot it seems !

And yes - relationships where both are more or less awake is really beautiful. Like Francis and Laura, Tony and Claire, Rupert and Ellen, Eckhart and Kim etc. Maybe someday that might happen, who knows.


Sounds like you could become the next big speaker with their flower on YouTube if that’s your true passion bro ;) 

Yes, needing nothing changes a lot in terms of relationships, they simply become an expression of joy instead of a search for happiness in another. 

It’s funny PU guys go on about neediness and abundance, but awakening is like the ultimate cure for neediness, but that comes with no longer manipulating girls for sex, can’t have it all I guess. 

I think the path varies a lot due to each body/mind and personality type, post awakening we still have a human “side” (terrible way to say it) and a personality, what helped me understand why I am the way I am was the Enneagram. 

For example, Ramana & Eckhart are Enneagram 9s, hence the very laid back “chilled out” meditative vibe they give off, and the “simple” life they lead.


Whereas, Nisgardatta was an enneagram 8 (Bossy, want to be in charge, dominant type) hence the whole swearing and shouting at students and the extreme “Zen” like approach. 

Maybe you’re a 9, or a 5 if you like being by yourself, and are naturally introverted, and like a simple life. 

It’s what makes life so beautiful, we are all able to express this understanding in our own way, and each is as beautiful as each other. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I learned most of what I know from my teacher Ananda Devi, she has a series on YT, although they are far from tech savvy lol, so it’s not exactly 4K quality. I’m still pretty clueless, only really know about my own type (7) in great detail and how it relates to awakening. 

Here’s the first link to her series of short videos - 


She had an incredibly life transforming awakening, from Rich Jewish traditional family, to awakened relationship with Ramaji and becoming a teacher lol. 


And this is one of the books her and ramaji recommend - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0043EV986/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1


Theres lots around, although many are from a chrisrian perspective of course.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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