
Reality is not infinite

46 posts in this topic

If it was, what are the odds " you ", somehow landed in the right one that has this supposed objective truth?

Reality is not infinite, in fact, there is no reality whatsoever. Nothing ever happened, you never even clicked on this thread.

Reality is just a void that gives the appearance of being infinite while being absolutely nothing.

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7 minutes ago, Monde said:

If it was, what are the odds " you ", somehow landed in the right one that has this supposed objective truth?

Reality is not infinite, in fact, there is no reality whatsoever. Nothing ever happened, you never even clicked on this thread.

Reality is just a void that gives the appearance of being infinite while being absolutely nothing.

what changes whatsoever ?

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24 minutes ago, Monde said:

If it was, what are the odds " you ", somehow landed in the right one that has this supposed objective truth?

Reality is not infinite, in fact, there is no reality whatsoever. Nothing ever happened, you never even clicked on this thread.

Reality is just a void that gives the appearance of being infinite while being absolutely nothing.

Just why? 

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0 = infinity

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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@Monde You see though, “nothing” is infinite because it has no measurable qualities, therefore it can not be limited to a set of finite characteristics. Infinity means not bound by limitation. Which a void or nothing precisely is. Nothing equals “no-thing”.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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Infinite, nothing, reality...all words.


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5 hours ago, Monde said:


If it was, what are the odds " you ", somehow landed in the right one that has this supposed objective truth?

Reality is not infinite, in fact, there is no reality whatsoever. Nothing ever happened, you never even clicked on this thread.

Reality is just a void that gives the appearance of being infinite while being absolutely nothing.


Reality is not reality, you are not even exist or alive. And these are all words. All is one. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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42 minutes ago, James123 said:

Reality is not reality, you are not even exist or alive. And these are all words. All is one. 

Is that your direct experience in Day to day life? 

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@Meta-Man Well said as per. How could reality be anything but infinite? 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Reality does no include nothingness. It includes voids. Voids are still something even if still feel something Close to nothing

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dont feed the troll

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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i am the check on the and it is show that reality is the big machine it is non stop creating the elephant house size world

Love Is The Answer

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A wise  man once said " I don't know anything except one thing that I don't know anything."

Edited by Someone here

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7 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

There is no such thing as "finite". Never was, never will be.

I just finished drinking a cup of water. Unfortunately I'm still thirsty but it contains only so much water. Seems like it's finite.

22 minutes ago, Dand said:


22 minutes ago, Dand said:

What if you do know something? It would be dishonest and inauthentic to pretend you don't. But I like the quote still :)

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14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I just finished drinking a cup of water. Unfortunately I'm still thirsty but it contains only so much water. Seems like it's finite.

Look closer.

When did you "finish" the cup? When did you refill?

Edited by ivankiss

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6 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Look closer.

When did you "finish" the cup? When did you refill?

I just finished right now as I said. The cup is totally dry and empty . Further questions? 

Edited by Someone here

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5 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Yes, but the water in the cup is just an appearance. It’s not real.  The water in the full cup and the air in the empty cup is the same substance - Nothingness/Infinity

Finitudes are only appearances. Only seeming, not actual.

No the water is so real and I drank it all. I felt it in my mouth and body.. Totally. The air and the water are obviously not the same.. If I drink the air it won't satisfy my thirst no matter how much I drink (sniff or whatever) unlike the water.  If you think they are the same..please refrain from using one of them and just use the other for the rest of your life. 

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