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Question about insight from the video 'Actuality vs Concept'

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I want to verify an insight I had just 20 minutes ago.

I was listening to this video this morning and I was walking down the street. Leo recommended on being consciouss of your hand. The thing is, 2 attractive girls passed right through me and I started getting distracted.

So I become consciouss that my mind was projecting and having ideas about what those 2 forms were: Women, attractive, biological beings, ...etc.

But I had turn back home so they dissapeared from my sight, and suddenly now I am looking at the floor. This is when the insight hit me. I am still looking at the girls! Because the girls was just a FORM that had just changed to a floor!

Then a cat appeared. The cat is just form! The form just changed from being "women" to "floor" to a "cat". 


Edited by Javfly33

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41 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Yes, it’s all essentially the same ‘substance’ - Nothingness. Continously morphing appearances.

Though I don’t recommend fucking cats and eating rocks.

Can this nothingness ever be known what really is?

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3 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

You are it

Yes, but what I am doing?

Why the hell I am doing by "Being"?

Is there any purpose in "Being" me?

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7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Can this nothingness ever be known what really is?

Yes, that would be awakening.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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