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Breathing problems on LSD?

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My brother is worried if i take LSD i might laugh so hard i will get problems breathing and pass out. I hear that LSD can make things much more funny. My brother and his friends were triping on LSD. They were looking at pizza and they laugh so hard that his friend was getting issue breathing because he laugh so much he was not able to breath. Also i laugh about a lot of things sober. What would happen if i triped on LSD. 

Has anyone had issue with LSD like this?

How do aviod passing out because of lack of oxygen?

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Do shamanic breathing exercises to test your lungs. If you can do this exercise for 30 minutes you have healthy lungs and have nothing to worry about. 

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Dying laughing is how I want to go! Dont worry about this, it's only thoughts. I've never heard of anyone literally dying from laughter. You can definitely get an idea that you are dying of laughter on LSD. But in my case, these ideas like this have always just been paranoid thoughts that felt very real, but nothing more. 

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49 minutes ago, Peo said:

They were looking at pizza and they laugh so hard that his friend was getting issue breathing because he laugh so much he was not able to breath.

And this is your concern during a respiratory pandemic? 

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50 minutes ago, cetus said:

And this is your concern during a respiratory pandemic? 

Ask my brother. Not my word.

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