Aaron p

30mg 5meo Rectal Administration

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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Aaron p HAHA legit insane is not something I want to experience, but that must be the sacrifice for experience absolute love.

I am just happy that plugging worked again, this is a milestone for me! There is really a narrow degree between no effects and strong effects. Now I need to think about the dosage. 10 mg and heavy heart beating. What then can I expect from 15 mg... heart explosion, ego death and absolute insanity??

@OBEler don't expect insanity. You can prepare for the worst outcome so much that you actually cause the negative to happen. Expect yourself to realise the nature of reality. It is not your enemy. Expect yourself to move throw the motions of awakening. You have to remember mate, most people will never be advanced as you are right now, and even for those who are wise enough to even realise that this stuff exists, most of them will never have access to 5 methoxy dimethyltryptamine. Do not underestimate yourself. 99% of other people, if they were to smoke 10mg of 5meo, they'd absolutely freak out and probably run into a wall and knock themselves out. We, here at actualized.org, are an exceptionally rare species. Very very very very rare. Nowhere else has what we have. The power, the knowledge, the METHODS!

Remind yourself of the power that you are playing with and do a 15mg trip. Be strong. Be so strong that the trip is scared of you! You are facing power that would make a grown man shit himself.

Stop pretending that you are not a boss. I can already tell from talking to you that you are made of excellence and wisdom.

What's your name man? 

Edited by Aaron p

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Yes I had similar thoughts, here on actualized we are trained for this stuff no normal human could prepare for.

Before I try 15 mg, I still want to know more about the strong heart beating effects. Why does this happen, is this part of a beginning ego death experience? Can I do something aginst this so that this does not happen again or do I need to accept strong rapid heart beats as part of the trip? It was not pleasant at all



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@OBEler my heart beat goes absolutely insane when I smoke DMT and 5meo to man. Just make sure that you dont have any heart conditions man thats the only thing. If you have heart condition be careful. But nah, fast heartbeat is normal man. Just know yourself and do what you know is best for yourself. But be sure to distinguish the difference between wisdom and fear. Being wise with your trips is fine, but being fearful is something to overcome. Do you have any heart conditions? Or any other physical conditions?

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p Nope, no heart problems at all. I am in top condition.

And there was almost no mentally fear. Just a cold body fear and heart beating the whole trip. Like this:

bubum bubum bubum bubum




No insights. No visuals. 

@Leo Gura are there some methods against this? Kola Nut powder or breathing techniques before the session or is it really a  normal side effect and you can nothing do about it? This heart beating came as I said not from the mind, I was not really in panic mentally.

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler All your consternation makes me exhausted just reading it.

You are on your own.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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hmm yeah maybe I am a little over cautious with this whole stuff. I feel ready. In the end, Iife will be normal again even if I face god/infinity/death for some minutes




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@Meta-Man Just in case I go to insanity and mental hell: Yes I want that life will be normal again

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I think I'm ready for my 5 day 5meo retreat boi's. Sometime soon. Really gonna try get a few big big breakthroughs. @Leo Gura have you been plugging much more 5meo since your last 30 day retreat? (I can't wait to try my own 30 day 5meo retreat sometime)

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14 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Meta-Man Just in case I go to insanity and mental hell: Yes I want that life will be normal again

Why that attitude? Maybe you should re-think why you are doing all of this.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 because it is a possibility.

I am doing this to experience divine energy and love.

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21 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Javfly33 I am doing this to experience divine energy and love.

Then why are you listening to the fear of the mind?

Why you take "conditions" towards truth? You want the highest love but you are listening to the mind, the mind is telling you "yeah go towards this BUT don't do it if it causes this or that, sure go towards x but not if it causes a turmoil in my reality".

Notice that this are conditions of the mind. You don't really care about this. You just care about love, peace, truth. 

Notice that Is the same mind that prevents you from happiness is giving you now conditions to why you shouldn't do this or that.

The whole point of this is you going towards love, not fear.

As I said, and I haven't yet taking 5-MeO, but from what I heard once should be have Truth as his first priority, willing to surrender everything else. That means your sanity, your view of the world...etc.

If you are not willing your reality to be deeply changed after doing powerful psychedelics I'm not sure if this is the right time for you. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 I jdont know what truth is. Therefore truth is too abstract for me to desire.

I just care for energy and love. And if this will change my reality so let it be

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5 hours ago, Aaron p said:

I can't wait to try my own 30 day 5meo retreat sometime

Be careful! You are nowhere ready to handle that.

I'm what they call a trained professional. Don't attempt this at home.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Be careful! You are nowhere ready to handle that.

I'm what they call a trained professional. Don't attempt this at home.

@Leo Gura oh no, I'm fully aware that I'm not ready for to attempt that haha. But it would be awesome to have it as a big goal. I'm gonna stick with my 5-7 day retreats. Something tells me 2 week retreat would even be hard. 

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Worked my way up to 30mg plugged. No ego death yet, that I can tell.

I think I'll try experimenting with inhalation, did max 16mg, still no breakthrough.

Was trying to avoid vaping it (I'm not a smoker), but it may be the only sure way to get it.

Oh well... Any recommendations for online pipe shops?

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@Chris365 Ah a brave 5 Meo plugger. Welcome to the round!  

Can you tell what effects you got on which dose? That would be interesting to see. 30 mg and no ego death, that is special. Did you already have ego death experience before on other psychedelics?

Edited by OBEler

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I went with 5mg, 10, 15, 20,25,30... Effects from mild energy on 5mg to not being able to move my body on 30mg at the peak. I trust if I experience ego death I would know it. 

During the later dosages I was very calm and trying to test my awareness/consciousness compared to sober state, (since 5Meo is a dial for consciousness, right?) ... I don't feel it's much different. There are some energies swirling around, and I tried various things, like self inquiry, vipassana, and there are some more intense effects, maybe I would have expected a bit more.

A special after-effect is a mild state of Presence and non-duality about 24h after dosing, for 3-4 hours. I call it 'mild', but if I was able to remain in that state all the time, that would be me happy. I don't want to call it a glimpse, I just want to 'BE'

With nasal administration, for my first try, I made the mistake of dosing an unknown amount  (before my microscoops arrived) (must have been 10mg max) and it had a very quick onset, could barely make it to bed before I couldn't move ... lesson learned.

For next dose I'm thinking 16mg again nasal, and play with technique.

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3 hours ago, Chris365 said:

Worked my way up to 30mg plugged. No ego death yet, that I can tell.

I think I'll try experimenting with inhalation, did max 16mg, still no breakthrough.

Was trying to avoid vaping it (I'm not a smoker), but it may be the only sure way to get it.

Oh well... Any recommendations for online pipe shops?

@Chris365 Amazon works my guy ??? (see 


35 minutes ago, Chris365 said:

I went with 5mg, 10, 15, 20,25,30... Effects from mild energy on 5mg to not being able to move my body on 30mg at the peak. I trust if I experience ego death I would know it. 

During the later dosages I was very calm and trying to test my awareness/consciousness compared to sober state, (since 5Meo is a dial for consciousness, right?) ... I don't feel it's much different. There are some energies swirling around, and I tried various things, like self inquiry, vipassana, and there are some more intense effects, maybe I would have expected a bit more.

A special after-effect is a mild state of Presence and non-duality about 24h after dosing, for 3-4 hours. I call it 'mild', but if I was able to remain in that state all the time, that would be me happy. I don't want to call it a glimpse, I just want to 'BE'

With nasal administration, for my first try, I made the mistake of dosing an unknown amount  (before my microscoops arrived) (must have been 10mg max) and it had a very quick onset, could barely make it to bed before I couldn't move ... lesson learned.

For next dose I'm thinking 16mg again nasal, and play with technique.

I have 2 theories about my ROA's for 5meo...both are positive. I think the amount of liquid used for nasal injection has to be PERFECT because, if you have too much liquid (vinegar/Coco milk) i think it'll burn more (especially vinegar) and it'll take much longer for the substance to be absorbed completely. But having too LITTLE liquid for nasal injection (I think) can cause the liquid mix to not run up your nose fully (while your heads upside down). So I'm going to retry nasal injection at some point in the future and keep my head upside down for a good 10 minutes (with less vinegar, there'll be less burning and it'll be easier to hold it there for 10 mins) I had a lot of burning before :S

I also have a lot of strange experiences smoking it. Smoked 20mg one time and just, literally nothing happened. My theory here is that I am not heating the pipe for long enough. This is scary because if it's true, that means there's about at least 50-80 mg of hardened, concentrated 5meo on the bottom of my pipe hahahaha. In favor of this theory, I took my 5meo pipe, and just started smoking it with no substance added to it. And sure enough I had a really powerful experience. I'm gonna try get a massive experience or two on a 5 day 5meo retreat sometime over summer...maybe within the next 2 weeks


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16mg inhaled, effects equivalent to 30mg plugged.

On the come up, I relaxed my body quite deeply, and was questioning the bilateral shaking I've seen others go through. No impulse to do that for me. Thoughts were appearing constantly about how I'm going to write about the experience on the forum, so better pay attention 9_9. At one time I got the suggestion that maybe bilateral shaking is if you try to move the body, tried, but couldn't... maybe if I pushed harder? anyway...

On the come up, I focused on universal love, God, Oneness (As much as I can at current consciousness level) . From other people's reports, I expected once you set the intention, the molecule will show you what you 'need' to see, with no apparent ego/mind input... is that only on a breakthrough, I guess?

Is the consciousness work better attempted after come up? When I started to be able to slightly regain control over my body... for some reason, I also started having thoughts about food... Maybe I dosed weed by mistake :$

I get the feeling that my attempts to raise consciousness without psychedelics are on the same path, same direction, only much less intense. at least that's good to have the confirmation I'm not deluding myself too much during meditation

Next attempt, 20mg ...

( these are my first times using psychedelics)

Edited by Chris365

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