
Caffeine Detox Challenge

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1 week update challenge- 

Had bouts of tiredness, nothing like Becker explains though 

Slept much easier overall

headache first few days, fine now 

Starting to enjoy the natural energy! 

Will see how it goes in 2-3 weeks :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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Has anyone used psychedelics or kambo to quit caffeine? This thread has been me aware of my caffiene addiction... 

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On 5/6/2020 at 7:46 PM, Hansu said:

Lol, our brains are such a sneaky things

Haven't been drinking sodas for a year now, but here I am drinking Coca Cola Zero which apparently has about 2 cups of caffeine in 1 liter :D


So, I went cold turkey last Friday because I felt like slowly detaching myself from caffeine wouldnt work. I dont want to crave Coca Cola for weeks.

I had terrible mood swings, headaches and tiredness for 3 days, starting on the Friday.

I also bought some decaf coffee, but Im dropping that too since it has a little bit of caffeine. 5-10% of what real coffee has.

Today has been a lot easier than the first 3 days were, however Im still dead tired occasionally. Hopefully the worst is over tho :)

Luckily, there has not been affect on my sleep at all. I can sleep normally, so my tiredness is just about hormones I guess.

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Started since last night. I'm already having a pretty bad headache. Not sure if it's related.

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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@Shiva99 Expect this for a whole, common withdrawal symptom! 

Im 10 days in now and starting to have awesome levels of energy again, can see myself doing this for good!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Should you be strategic about detoxing off caffiene? I've got quite a heavy work load for the next 3-5 weeks, and not sure if it's the right time for me to attempt this or if i'm just self rationalising lol

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After my initial 3 days of cold turkey, Im back to my full capability of working.

You could try lowering consumption on friday and then going cold turkey. On the other hand, some people have had good results with using caffeine pills to slowly lower their daily caffeine intake over few weeks and had no side effects from quitting

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@Hansu only 3 days!? How many cups of coffee were you drinking per day?

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About 3-4 cups of coffee and 5-6 cups of black/white/green tea a day. 9_9

The worst side effects lasted for 3 days and practically ruined those days, but the minor effects such as occasional heavy tiredness lasted for few days longer. I've read that the worst side effects can last from 1 week to 3 weeks on average tho.

EDIT: Before going cold turkey I dropped from 3-4 cups of coffee and 5-6 cups of tea to 1 cup of coffee and 5-6 cups of tea over a week, so could be that my body was already prepared for the complete cutoff

Edited by Hansu

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What are your goals though? to never drink coffee again or what

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I have a problem with having energy to work on research after work, so my goal is to see whether quitting coffee will give me more willpower and interest in doing research work in the evening.

According to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_xA70lWrDs this should be one of the benefits you get from quitting coffee

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Interesting.. thanks for sharing. 


God damn it.  I'm still confused why is one cup of coffee bad? I know i'm asking many questions. But im still getting my head around this. I've always been told 1-3 cups a day is healthy

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@herghly Yeah cause there's a lot of promising data behind coffee and tea. I don't know about coffee but green/black tea really seems to increase longevity, at least slightly.

The question is whether or not it's worth the productivity decline. But I know some people feel much better on caffeine than without it.

I guess you have to experiment and see if caffeine is worth it for you. So it's a good idea to try a caffeine fast at least for a month imo.


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On 5/4/2020 at 7:04 PM, LfcCharlie4 said:

@herghly I do WHM and Cold showers every morning, regarding other substances no, I just eat really really healthy and aim to get my sleep in. 

Going forward the only time I drink caffeine will be after drinking the next morning along with “Morning DTox” pills you help me function the next day! 

ive been working like 10 hours today and feel pretty good, nowhere near as bad as I thought I’d be. 

Im also gonna quit porn to help boost energy further, and fast everyday until 11-12, but tomorrow is until 3PM as it’s a 24 hour fast- the first ever without caffeine! 


A week ago I started with these “challenges” rather spontaneously, I just didn’t drink caffeine for a day and decided to do the same with porn...

Being addicted to both and cutting them off simultaneously has probably made it harder, but shorter.

First few days: headache, irritability, fatigue, insomnia...

Oh, I also stopped consuming processed sugar almost entirely, except bread, almond milk, etc. which contain sugar, too. However, I’m happy with what I’ve been able to remove — 90% of processed sugar at least.

Day 10: improved energy throughout the day, better sleep quality, increased self-steem, mental clarity, etc.

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12 days in, been getting sleepy progressively later these past few days. Today it started around 6pm, I hope that in a few weeks I'll be at 10-11pm sleepy.

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6 hours ago, Hansu said:


I have a problem with having energy to work on research after work, so my goal is to see whether quitting coffee will give me more willpower and interest in doing research work in the evening.

According to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_xA70lWrDs this should be one of the benefits you get from quitting coffee

I'm struggling with getting off coffee and know I need to. Is there a natural stimulant replacement? What about caffeine tablets?  

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7 hours ago, wordsforliving said:

I'm struggling with getting off coffee and know I need to. Is there a natural stimulant replacement? What about caffeine tablets?  

Dont replace a stimulant with another stimulant, thats like replacing alcohol with another drug. Instead, see if your problem is with habits. Habits are a bitch to deal with, and they can be even bigger hurdle to overcome when dealing with addictions than the substance itself.

With caffeine tablets you could determine whether the problem is with the bad habit, or with the caffeine itself, and possibly kick them both simultaneously. Alternatively you could see if drinking decaf coffee (Or non-caf tea) helps you with the habit, so you can kick the caffeine first and then kick the habit.

Edited by Hansu

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