
What are our chances to reach enlightenment?

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I reached enlightenment on July 12th 2023. I am not a practioner. The awakening also opened my third eye as I have been experiencing psy phenomena.

If I can help please let me know.

For the benefit of ALL Beings. 

May all beings Awaken together. 

May peace be with you and yours. 

No ~L

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you probably have a better chance stumbling upon it then trying to reach it. At least if you don't believe its not in your mind and you arent trying to attain anything.

If you are doing philosophy as an athiest you probably have the best chance. Its seeking without knowing what seeking is, you are looking for something without knowing what you are looking for. You are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing by being an athiest doing philosophy.

God loves athiest doing philosophy

Edited by Hojo

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You are not the mind refers to evolving out of egoic thought patterns.  To understand the duality of Conceptual Self, the Ego.

The person I was dissolved away. 

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What is enlightenment anyways? Is it just an intense release of oxytocin in the brain? Is there really anything to "reach" since once you hit that state the ego would not exist. What I never hear talked about enough on this forums by Leo is reincarnation, whether we are actually incarnating here to "learn lessons" and "raise our capacity for true love" or "raise our frequency" if you look at personal growth from David Hawkin's scale of consciousness.

Surely some here have read Michael Newton's books (Journey of Souls)... is that our reality... where we incarnate here as souls in this reality which is more akin to a virtual reality video game, that we come here because oneness is boring? If so, it's pointless to reach enlightenment because the Source will just create new souls, new realities in which to visit anyways. In fact he says they do in his second book. If we don't have souls and are just animals then there's no point in any of this work... life out your life as your DNA would have you do.  I think a lot of us are stuck in analysis paralysis. Me? I enjoy figuring out how everything works. I want a user's manual for everything because what fun is there in being spontaneous? :)

Edited by sholomar

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What are our chances to reach enlightenment?


I AM reborn

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