
Spiritual speakers and working person

2 posts in this topic

I wonder sometimes listening to eckhart tolle,Mooji etc that is it easy for them to stay spiritually aware and naturally stay away from the materialistic environment without stress and thoughts all the time. A working person as i am suffered a lot before and chose this path but in everyday life there is something needed in work,worries about money,workplace stresses etc.As i am a doctor i have to face the worldly changes everyday i sometimes go back to thoughts and stress. And all these spiritual teachers don't have to. So,i was wondering that this journey-is it easier for the ones who is not working 10 to 5 jobs or rephrasing the question-does it take more time for the working guy to get enlightened compared to these already spiritual people??

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@Meta-Man Well said again. 

And, just to prove it is very individual, I couldn’t be any more different, I am growing a business, very active and very much involved in “worldly” activities, but I am only 20, this could change as we age. 

You have ultimate freedom to do what you want post awakening, that’s the beauty, simply do what you love as much as you can, and that’s an individual matter. I love business and marketing and making it conscious and solving problems/ providing entertainment and helping people in many wAys :) 

Some just want to meditate all day, it doesn’t matter either way, it’s up to you as an individual! 

You also want to factor in personality, the Enneagram was very helpful for me with this, and understanding yourself. Yes you will have a personality after awakening, you don’t just become a blob surprisingly ?

That being said, there is a time in most seekers life the “inward” path takes priority and this may mean less outwardly activities, but it doesn’t have to last forever, unless you want it to of course :) 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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