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You are the wheel, not the hamster.

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Imagine you're a hamsterwheel. A hamsterwheel turning by itself. Within you, a hamster spawns. You begin to identify with the hamster and you (the hamster) are now seemingly making the wheel turn. The hamster runs and runs and runs, the wheel keeps turning. After a while the hamster gets tired of running, it wants to know why..

One day the hamster hears something called non duality. It hears great things such as liberation, merging with god, bliss, union, absolute love. This makes the hamster excited, this gives it hope. So the hamster starts running again, it runs faster than it have ever ran before. It is determined to reach this thing/state, it is determined to realise non duality. After years of running the hamster suddenly forgets that it is running and falls of the wheel.

What is left?

The wheel, turning.

The hamster wasn't doing anything, it wasn't getting anywhere. Everything it strived for was an illusion. It's whole life, it's whole story was an illusion. The wheel was already complete, hamster in it or not.

You were a hamster, you felt all of it's experiences, the tough times, the good times, the realness of it all. You were sure that you were getting somewhere, that you were on a journey. That you were real... But just like that, the hamster never was, and the wheel keeps turning ?

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Then it realizes it has always been what it wanted to be, Love. 

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