
Surprising Truth About Caffeine

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Very interesting video.

What was most profound to me was when he spoke of what he experienced after giving up coffee;

"And moreso during the day I don't have giant burst of energy in the morning. I can just go through the day with same level of motivation, its not all over the place"

This is so huge problem to me! I couldnt even imagine its not normal to have that huge burst of motivation in the morning, I just thought "well Im just a morning person"
Not going cold turkey tho, Im gonna drink my reserves but with a smooth detox. Sucks that I need to ditch the green tea extract pills tho.


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What would you guys suggest then? Theanine is also a form of caffeine, from what I know.

I really enjoy drinking something while working, that would make me more focused and just can't seem to find anything that can achieve that goal without making me stressed out as caffeine does. 

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@28 cm unbuffed  L Theanine + Coffee used to work well for me. 

Maybe low dose caffeine and L Theanine until you have the time to detox? 

From the vid, you'd need like 3-7 days to feel relatively normal again, so that's a week off of work. 

I feel Wim Hof Method + Cold Shower first thing every morning could be a great boost. 

In terms of what to drink- Fluoride free water + Decaf Tea/ Coffee- maybe the placebo will help ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

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1 hour ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

I really enjoy drinking something while working, that would make me more focused and just can't seem to find anything that can achieve that goal without making me stressed out as caffeine does. 

It's not making you more focused, though. It's getting you to 80% of where you would be had you not been drinking it :D


I also feel like I need a "helper substance" of some kind. Like it feels unnatural to start working on just water.

But actually, that's probably bullshit that's been conditioned into me, just from everyone around me believing it too.

I don't need a chemical substance to be the best version of myself.


Oh but the first few days without coffee are gonna su-huck though. I tried for even one morning last week. Hated my life.

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@flowboy  It's genius marketing though right? You NEED this if you want to get shit done, and everyone needs to get shit done lol. 

I wonder what Seth Godin would make of the Coffee industries marketing:D

I'll be honest, It's 12PM here and I've just had my first meal and about to have my 4th & last cup of Green Tea, my new rule is at least NONE after 12PM so I can sleep a lot better. I'll need to schedule a full week in to really kick the habit, but at least it isn't coffee! 

(I know I'm kidding myself) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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56 minutes ago, flowboy said:

I also feel like I need a "helper substance" of some kind. Like it feels unnatural to start working on just water.

But actually, that's probably bullshit that's been conditioned into me, just from everyone around me believing it too.

I don't need a chemical substance to be the best version of myself.

Yep. Its tens of years of social conditioning. "Daddy needs coffee in the morning" turns quickly into "I need coffee in the morning" when you want to copy whatever your dad does :D

And "its not for little boys or girls" so we look towards getting permission to drink coffee like we look towards getting to drink alcohol.




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Alex Becker Part 2: The Science Behind Caffeine. 

If you thought it was bad yesterday.....fuck. 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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2 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

but at least it isn't coffee! 

(I know I'm kidding myself) 

I don't think you're kidding yourself. I base that on how different tea and coffee feel in my body. Coffee gives me a distinct dehydrated, stressed, poisoned feeling. Green tea doesn't do that.

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1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

Alex Becker Part 2: The Science Behind Caffeine. 

If you thought it was bad yesterday.....fuck. 


Man, this guy goes extreme on everything! lol

It all about controlling yourself. 

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Moderation is key. If you're drinking 2 cups or more of coffee a day, your sleep is definitely going to get screwed. You should keep it to one cup, and make sure to take it a while before you sleep, at around 12pm or earlier is good. IMO, more than 1 cup of coffee a day is just too much.

Would you feel miserable or angry without drinking that one cup? That's a sign that you should work at not drinking coffee or lessening the amount that you drink.

The main point is that you shouldn't let your happiness and productivity depend too heavily on material things like coffee or caffeine. Don't think of coffee as some important energy source that you need to start your day, but rather a sweet drink that you sometimes like to enjoy along with your breakfast. You could also just go with decaffeinated coffee.

Luckily, tea has significantly less caffeine, so you can probably drink that a tad bit later.

There are health benefits to tea and coffee like he said, but they are really not worth the caffeine influx you would get if you drank too much. This is why you need to balance it out somehow.

However, I would only recommend this if you are trying to get the benefits of tea and coffee. If you are getting caffeine through energy drinks, you should stop because there are no benefits to that. Energy drinks are just candy water with caffeine sprinkled in.

Edited by Osaid

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Funnily enough I was tripping on LSD about 3 weeks ago and somehow energetically felt the damage caffeine was doing to my body, haven’t touched it since and havent had any cravings to. Tbh Im amazed at how much better I feel.

Then this video came out a couple weeks layer haha. I pretty much agree with everything he says here. Caffeine is so embedded into our culture, no one treats it like a hard drug but it really is. Society is literally promoting the addiction of this drug too which makes it that much harder to quit. 

For me once I could clearly *feel* the extent of the damage, something inside of my mind clicked. I now can wake up within 5-10 minutes feeling normal, it’s wild. 

Edit: just to put this in perspective I was only drinking 1 cup per day. Nonetheless have had crazy results abstaining. 

Edited by Consilience

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@modmyth  That sounds delicious. Would like to try that as a substitute. Not sure if it's sold in the netherlands though, will have to check.

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This might all be true, but I don't have a month to reset my system right now, so caffeine addiction it is for a while longer :D

I tried to quit not so long ago. Went on a 10-day meditation retreat that didn't allow coffee. The retreat was great, didn't even feel any withdrawal effects. But when I came back to the "real world", with people and traffic and having obligations, and things to do, and the monkey mind, then it was awful. And I tried for a while, I went about another month without coffee. I just didn't have any energy to do anything productive and needed that artificial boost again. Still do.

In my experience, a couple of weeks just isn't enough to reset. I went a whole month and could still feel the lack of that boost, it was both physical and psychological (in the end they're so intertwined, who knows the difference).

The thought of a couple of months feeling like shit just to reboot is too much right now, no thank you.

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If you consume it only on the morning once and it is organic and well preserved and its minimally produced it has a ton of antioxidant qualities.

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14 hours ago, Applegarden said:

If you consume it only on the morning once and it is organic and well preserved and its minimally produced it has a ton of antioxidant qualities.

Preach! And something I think is important is experimenting with the French Press method so your brew can absorb more of those polyphenols and chlorogenic acid for more anti-inflammatory/cognitive boosting benefits among others. Also tastes way better than normal drip imo. 

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Never drank coffee in my life AMA

Y'all look like addicts to me lol

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I enjoy black coffee just as a drink. Would decaf be alright or should I just stick to green tea?

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1 hour ago, Junin said:

I enjoy black coffee just as a drink. Would decaf be alright or should I just stick to green tea?

Green tea contains caffeine.

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@Scholar I am aware, I just though since a cup of green tea is such a small amount of caffeine compared to coffee, it really wouldn't affect me much. Although, I could just be self-sabotaging myself.:D 

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