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Aaron p

Is there a way to convert freebase 5meo to a snortable salt form?

3 posts in this topic

Anyone know? Thanks guyZ

(I'm thinking, if vinegar isint bad for your nose lol, maybe I could just use the tiniest amount of vinegar possible, pull it into a syringe, tilt my head back and let half drip into one nostril and half into the other?)

Edited by Aaron p

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11 hours ago, Dand said:

Leo recommended adding a few drops of light coconut milk for plugging to reduce the burn but I'm not sure if it would help for snorting

@Dand it's awkward because I would have to use as little liquid as humanly possible and I'd likely have to keep my head upside down much longer than usual to allow the liquid to be fully absorbed by the walls of my nasal cavity. But I think your right, putting steamy 5meo that is reacting to acid up my nose...sounds like it miiiiiiiight  be a bad idea, but I've never been much of a person to be too careful. I'll research and experiment with the idea of 5meo+tiny amount of vinegar+tiny amount of light coconut milk into each nostril and tip upside down. And I'll let you guys know if it works haha

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23 hours ago, Dand said:

Good luck! I'd love to hear how it goes :)

@Dand I'll report lol

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