
How do black holes fit into spirituality?

9 posts in this topic

@Meta-Man Do they? Aren't they just a construct of duality and just one half of a single polarity within duality?

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Black hole helluva thing. Trust me on it. 

It's this (but how the heck he knows?, he wouldn't be able to know everything about me without it, lavender is so fishy) 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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As is everything and yet there are distinctions if you view it from a limited consciouness perspective and there is an infinite amount of these limited consciouness perspectives as well. Of course they break down when viewed from the god consciousness perspective, it doesn't change the fact that they can be viewed experienced and work according to their own laws.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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Form=Formless for sure feel as IT. Not hidden. 

I am Love I am Love stfu stop opening God damn thing. Well have to no options. 

What's the point of dreamin that you are white robey when you'll end up as you know, what you really are. Unovoidable God damn it. 

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I see them as “gates of infinity” when you follow Stephen Hawkings theory. Since a black hole is a space-time singularity, and our big bang supposedly started from a singularity like this, then black hole = a new universe.

So then our universe would be a black hole in another universe, and the black holes in our universe are also new universes. It probably goes on forever in both directions.

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5 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:


Even multiverses are just relative appearances in the Absolute/Consciousness. They cannot tell you what you are.

They can, If you jump into a black hole ;)

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