
Leo Almost Attained The Rainbow Body - The Greatest Spiritual Achievement Possible

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In Leo's recent video titled - Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days

In it Leo details his recent awakening journey and how he knew that if he merged with God that he would have died or even implying that he could disappear. Well this actually isn't unheard of. In Taoism and even Buddhism one can attain the rainbow body and become a true child of God. It's also called that great transference often happening on ones death bed. It's a very very rare event. And so it's been said that when it happens a vortex opens up and the person merges with God dissolving even the physical body. Then they are reborn in the afterlife as pure consciousnesses having attained eternal salvation, liberation, and liberation from the maya and the almost endless cycle of reincarnations. If Leo actually accomplishes this I think that he will perhaps be the first person in the history of humanity here on earth to do the great transference with psychedelics almost exclusively, (meaning he's obviously not sitting in a cave meditating 13 hours a day).

Lastly I gotta say @Leo Gura if you do decide to do this, please video tape it and upload it streaming it to a safe place on the internet for us to view so that we can know if 5-meo-dmt can accomplish this. Cheers

Rainbow Body Phenomenon - The Highest Level Of Attainable Consciousness & Enlightenment

The Highest Level Of Immortality



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14 minutes ago, PlasmicProjection said:

If Leo actually accomplishes this I think that he will perhaps be the first person in the history of humanity here on earth to do the great transference with psychedelics almost exclusively

While I love the idea of being the first and greatest, I have read reports of a Western guy who attained mahasamadhi from LSD. He was actually meditating in a cave, did a bunch of LSD, and simply left his body for good.

A guru in India later verified that the dude left his body and didn't simply die by suicide or overdose.

If you believe the stories that is.

Some interesting food for thought.

I am certainly nowhere near that level of consciousness without 5-MeO-DMT.

I also wouldn't call what I experienced as a rainbow body. I would call it becoming an infinite singularity of love forever. It is totally formless consciousness. Like becoming pure potential with no actualization.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, herghly said:

@Leo Gura Can you please provide a source or at least put the book on your book list?

Sorry, I don't recall where I read it. Probably some book on my book list. It's one of those anecdotes you read in passing without giving it much credence until years later.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura It surprises me that martin ball does not mention mahasamadhi in his books. He's gone deeper than anyone else with 5-meo

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2 minutes ago, herghly said:

@Leo Gura It surprises me that martin ball does not mention mahasamadhi in his books. He's gone deeper than anyone else with 5-meo

It's not the drug, it's how you use it. I feel like many people trip but don't seriously contemplate because they are not contemplative people by nature.

But also keep in mind, maybe mahasamadhi ain't real. I don't know for sure. I am just reporting my preliminary research.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not the drug, it's how you use it. I feel like many people trip but don't seriously contemplate because they are not contemplative people by nature.

@Leo Gura I've been wondering about this. I know a man who did hundreds of trips on LSD (he's 64 now) and nothing close to awakening or enlightenment happened. In fact this man is extremely low consciousness, hooked on alcohol and porn and does not believe in any spirituality whatsoever. So the drug did not override his low consciousness and enable him to realize enlightenment. As he stays hooked on porn, alcohol, rage and hatred, it's like he's devolving into a chimpanzee.  So, there's got to be something to how you use it or what you bring to the table.  

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not the drug, it's how you use it. I feel like many people trip but don't seriously contemplate because they are not contemplative people by nature.

I completely agree with what you are saying here. I have many friends who don't get insights from psychs. It is bealive it is essential that people do spirtual practices well on psychs to get the gains (Meditation, Contemplation, etc). I think it has to do a lot with expirence chasing, and the circle of chasing pleasure and running away from pain. Rather then having a genuine desire to accepting the truth of what is. Intent is so important. You get different results from meditation depending on what your intent is. It helps a lot if someone is already an expirenced meditator and has some kind of connection to pure awareness. 

There is nothing wrong with getting high,
As long as you ask yourself why?
For the garden dies if left un-loved. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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3 hours ago, wordsforliving said:

So, there's got to be something to how you use it or what you bring to the table.

What you bring to the table is HUGE with psychedelics. Bring your best!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, wordsforliving said:

@Leo Gura I've been wondering about this. I know a man who did hundreds of trips on LSD (he's 64 now) and nothing close to awakening or enlightenment happened. In fact this man is extremely low consciousness, hooked on alcohol and porn and does not believe in any spirituality whatsoever. So the drug did not override his low consciousness and enable him to realize enlightenment. As he stays hooked on porn, alcohol, rage and hatred, it's like he's devolving into a chimpanzee.  So, there's got to be something to how you use it or what you bring to the table.  

Holy shit I can't seriously wrap my mind about this kind of examples, but sure they apparently exist. After my first psychedelic experience even if I didn't have any spiritual Awakening it changed me completely, so I had always had a hard time imagining how people can do high doses, lots of times, and still can use them as recreationally and still believe totally in the materialist paradigm...etc. 

One truly takes his own consciousness baseline level for granted.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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You have to appreciate that many people who get into psychedelics are deeply dysfunctional misfits who have a ton of trauma and shadow issues. This creates a warped sample. That's why there are so many bad trip reports and little enlightenment.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

While I love the idea of being the first and greatest

Who is the "I" here? Who loves the idea? 

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@Dutch guy i did. You are just all the possibilities that you can be and Can not be in the moment. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@Dutch guy i took 10 gr dry shrooms that time. I could see from perspective of god, ego, duality, non duality, real or not real. Because i was them within the same moment. You are the ultimate consciousness in that point with infinite possibilities, which has no beginning and end. Thats why impossible to understand it, you can just be it. And it is you. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

One truly takes his own consciousness baseline level for granted.

That's what I learned from seeing the example of this man who didn't change for the better. He was as messed up as it gets and that's all the brought to the table. So before I discovered and @Leo Gura, I believed anyone who got into psychedelics were just drug tripping escapist misfits. Then when I examined Leo's experiences, my mind was opened to realize that previously I was only seeing one angle of the non-developed misfit.  

It's like being a bloodhound. Once I catch a whiff of the possibility of some deeper truth in the air, I start going down the trail following the scent. In the case of the guy who had 100s of LSD trips through the course of his life, the end of the trail was just his dead lifeless carcass. Nothing more to see. 

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@Leo Gura What are you doing now to raise your baseline levels? 

Or at least stabilise in awakening when you’re sober out of interest? 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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One theory says that people attaining mahasamadhi are dropped into nirvana although temporarely. As the rule goes, a human cannot be 2 steps ahead of humanity he is interconnected with on this spiritual/physical evolution Journey. 1 step ahead is accepted but not 2. So the being is left waiting in nirvana for the rest of humanity to catch up before incarnating back again. I think the only exception to this rule was Gautama, as the story says he had to embody the fifth ray of the logos for humanity.

I think the rainbow body is trascending the physical form and taking it with you into the dimension you are going, idk. Could this a achievement be of a permanent nirvanic state or ascension into 4th density. 

Edited by Zanoni

“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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@Leo Gura

20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not the drug, it's how you use it. I feel like many people trip but don't seriously contemplate because they are not contemplative people by nature.

Im not contamplative by nature as well... This really bumms me out and triggers deep rooted "am I an idiot?" limiting beliefs  on the regular. I constantly watch other people especially you Leo, contamplate the shit out of things and I always say to myself.. "Why do I not do that? I know that its incredibly important to contemplate and think about issues deeply and yet I have to spend a lot of energy and time on just being able to contamplate things.. It is not natural for me... I constantly ask myself why am I not thinking and contemplating all the time like Leo? Why am I instead just focused on washing the dishes with an empty mind instead of using this time productively or even just as a matter of curiosity by thinking about and contemplating things??"

Learning how to contemplate until it becomes a part of you and that you do naturally everyday is something that can be done/learned right? 

How do you suggest I go about cultivating this skill? Watched your questioning video, did the exercises and I set a limit of at least questioning 5 things per day but its obviously not enough.

Edited by Pilgrimage of Self

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