
Nightmares. Why?

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I woke up from a dream where I was driving a car. My ex husband and his wife were in the car as well. Then while I was driving I passed out, just fell limp... and vaguely remember them saying “what the fuck” as the car was safely spinning out of control. 

I immediately woke up. Heart beating faster. 

It still is beating fast, but slowing down.


Me as God: why you do though? 


Ego self: some subconscious processesing shit is going down. 


It feels like a puzzle. 

No less or more real than my now awake state. 

And then I thought, what if I made the world a puzzle for me to solve. 

You need every part to see the whole, but you may not need all the parts to know what the whole is. 

And each part is beautiful and fits somewhere, even if you can’t see it until a few others are put in place. 




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My nightmare was not scary. My heart raced, but I did not feel fear. Perhaps it was not a nightmare at all. 

My subconscious ego is not healthy. It does not want to be love or to be loved. It blocks “pain” in crazy ways. Trauma stored in the body.  Breath work helps. As well as other methods. It is a process. 

My ego is healthy however. It knows it is love and will always be love. And I feel that fully. 

There is a definite difference. 

Even when there is no true difference at all. 

I’m just working through the Puzzle. Calmly, as things slowly start to build and connect. 

Thanks for the link. 

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Perhaps -- and I'm just spitballin here -- the puzzle is to figure out how to love?


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Every moment creates a new adventure in how to love. ❤️

Love is every moment.

Though I am everything, I notice that in general ego terms: 

Giving love comes easy: To the “other” and to “myself” 

I feel the beauty in everything. There is no denying it. It just is. 

I look and feel every moment with the same energy I watch the sun and the moon. 

I see it in my parents who support trump. In the stories my mom tells me of her childhood. In every relationship I have ever had. In my nostrils when I breathe. When my ego fights. When someone dies or is born. In music. Just everything...all the time. 

I feel a since of calm in every moment. 

However, Receiving love, my ego fights. 

It tries to hide from the potential suffering stored in my body from before my first awakening. 

I wasn’t even conscious of it until recently. 

Egos are a strange beast. Tricky mofos. 

The last piece of the puzzle?  

Also: I hope you are well. And I have a question. In this forum, occasionally your responses are “god-like” and combative (not this response specifically)

If they are you....Why try so hard to correct yourself ? 

And do you think is your personality? 







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