
Connecting To Gaming Character

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Is there a way to form an egoless connection with my game character, specifically in League of Legends.

League of legends is an online game where you control a single character in a 5v5 game, and i'm currently trying to improve my abilities in the game.

An insight i've had through psychs and meditation is that it is possible to feel connected to the game. On psychs I felt the game pop and change colors, as my feeling in my head (intution) popped and released.

I was thinking it's possible for me to form a connection with my character, so it no longer feels like i'm controlling the character with a keyboard and mouse, but instead it feels like I am the character and we are connected, so the movements are effortless as if i were the character rather than me controlling the character.

Any insights are appreciated. If you require further info i'd be happy to provide it.

TLDR: How do i form an egoless bond with my in game character/avatar to improve performance and joy of playing. I want to feel as if I am the character in the game, and his movements are an extension of me and my control over the game.

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Don't think of your "real" self

Don't think of whatever is happening in the "real" world

The only thing that exists is the game itself

Don't think of what to do next, feel that intuition

Immerse yourself within the dream world

Establish a flow state, there's only you and the game

Delude yourself like God deludes herself

Edited by VerballyHazardous

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@VerballyHazardous  Thank you, great post.

8 minutes ago, VerballyHazardous said:

Don't think of what to do next, feel that intuition

This seems to be an issue for me. I have trouble silencing the mind, and I've noticed that i'm always forcing stuff when I play and I don't just relax and feel into the game as to how to play.

I know the ceiling of me as a player will come playing with instinct and feeling over thinking but i'm having trouble living this philosophy.

Is it as simple as just bringing attention to feeling, and playing from that space of feeling?

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First really familiarize yourself with the rules of the world, then train the instinct of "what to do next", build that muscle memory. After that, intuition will pretty much guide you through out the entire game.

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38 minutes ago, VerballyHazardous said:

then train the instinct of "what to do next", build that muscle memory.

How would you train this instinct? Like I already play so much but i'm trying to avoid no pain no gain hard work to get better.

Any thoughts on this? I have years of exp on the game, but i'm still confused at a lot of aspects.

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It works for me, i guess the genre is too different (i play sandbox/physics based games)

All have left to say is "daily repetition" and make sure that you eat the right diet, feel comfortable/peaceful and get enough sleep.

Edited by VerballyHazardous

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@erik8lrl  I already go but I think i'm doing something wrong.

I feel like i'm at a point in my understanding, where I want to be able to hit feelings of bliss joy, etc from emotional releases in a meditation session but I really can't.

I try so many different guided one's but all i'm getting is a slight relaxed feeling. Like I may as well be napping instead of meditating.

What other spiritual practices should I do, or is there an ideal meditation technique for flow states you think would be useful?

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Ooh, boy... this sounds painfully like me. I'll be watching this one.

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