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Major Step? Taking Responsibility for your life

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I think a lot of people naturally take the stance of not taking responsibility for personal failures because it's simply too hard to put it on yourself but there seems to be a lot of power in taking the opposite stance of: I don't care who's fault it for my failures but I'm gonna take responsibility over it. I could even argue it's so empowering it's one of the major steps to freeing yourself. Opinions?

Edited by KamaZeen

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Yeah, I would say that would be a good way to look at things. Most are not capable of looking at things through another lens, so anything that happens is always someones fault besides their own. In a way though we are responsible for most things though in a way. Girlfriend cheated? Friend stole your money? Car got stolen? In a way you caused those things because you picked those people to be in your life. You parked in a bad neighborhood, or didn't buy anti theft system etc. Now of course things are going to happen that you have no control of, but you can still take responsibility with what you are going to do in reaction to it. 

It can be a bit difficult to make the transition, but I can see that more successful people tend to think this way. That and building a positive mindset is essential. 

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