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Are we on drugs? Unforseen Consequences for humans due to vaccines

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Today, it seems that babies get drugs early on way before knowing the taste of mothers bosom milk.  Evan before presented to his mother, the baby is inoculated with all sorts of vaccines.  Before answering is that normal?  Answer this : you have a clean juicy tomato from the super market and it looks so damn red but you know it was injected with god knows what to look good on the outside.  The second choice is a tomato fresh out of your fathers father garden and you know or must know that that is a real tomato and cant possibly hurt you in fact you know that that is healthy and more tasty.  Well ,allowing your child to be inoculated before tasting your bosom, its like injecting that child to make it look good on the outside ! Three years later or early your kid might get an impossible type of cancer or tumor and you wont know why! Say everything checks out, your little girl as an early teen will wonder if she is pregnant cause her period is off the charts late, early menstuation,  ,boys might feel or act like a girl and will want boys, or instant death.  You cant possibly know which vaccine will do what if anything to your child, thats why they mix stuff.  Last year one dosage was enough, now triple it ! Now lets get back, way back on the times of Lepra colonies, most in early stages where CURED by a mixture of onion and garlic . It wont work today less if it is man made from the ground without shots.  Lets say he is vaccinated with dealers choice and decide to have a child with someone who is not vaccinated.  Her body will deny to offer a protein the fetus needs to form and stay and grow for 9 months.  If none are vaccinated, based on the clean DNA of both,  will offer the protein the fetus needs to rise after 9 months.  And so my friends, people where not born, designed to be vaccinated.  Deformed babies and child cancer patients prove it.  The worst we got as humanity was the black fever, the bubonic plague and Lepra, and guess what, none exterminated us neither any war deformed us like what vaccines do to our prodigy 

People learned to read, so that doctors and witch doctors cant tell us poison is good for you 

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@Red-White-Light what makes you want to believe his-story anyways?

Plenty of truths out there mate, have you taken responsibility for the one you hold? (How are you so certain it is true, have you researched and considered other perspectives? 

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@DrewNows Do you lack common sense? stop with the stupid word games. There can be many perspectives but only one truth.

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2 minutes ago, Red-White-Light said:

@DrewNows Do you lack common sense? stop with the stupid word games. There can be many perspectives but only one truth.

That's a foolish assumption unless of course you mean the one truth is your own, in that case, it is but a partial truth

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On 27-4-2020 at 4:58 PM, annonnimm32 said:

People learned to read, so that doctors and witch doctors cant tell us poison is good for you 

Did you learn to read biology books?

I recommend it.


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Red-White-Light Emanuel Kant has researched humans from medical to chemical to bio chemical and still found no reason for how and why humans are alive.  We need surgeons ,because broken bones do require medical intervention ,but other than that, medical opinions should be for guidence only . Whatever lies you may heard, Doctors are not gods and they shouldnt be 

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I don't think its good. Also, kids are born far later. Lots of fertility drugs. I also suspect birth control affects egg quality as well as the body. My Buddy refuses to get drugs pushed onto his kid.

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@annonnimm32 Not everything is a conspiracy. Vaccines are made to save lives. 

Maybe they can have side effects, as all medicines do. But those side effects aren't necessarily intentional, or even worth avoiding.


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Objective facts exist, but there is nothing objective in how we use them.

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