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Things to do during the day to bring me closer to enlightenment

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Hello, most of my previous posts are nonsense as I was quite mentally ill at the time, possibly due to spirits entering my auric field and messing around with my mind. This one should hopefully make more sense.

So, I have a lot of spare time both while I am at work and when I am at home. That is because my mind isn't really busy with anything and nothing seems to work in terms of practices for me right now, and not much reading. And also because I work in traffic control, holding a stop-slow bat and often standing around doing nothing while I wait for a car to stop. So both at work and at home I have time to do some mental practice of some sort.

What kind of mental practices could I adopt while I am at work or at home in the direction of enlightenment?

I have been using the neti neti method for a long time now without knowing it, but that is more of a lifestyle practice for me and not one I use in my mind in one short term session. I also don't feel to use the I am not this body then what am I question at work or at home it doesn't work for me.

I have an interest in Jnana Yoga as I am always using my mind for the pursuit of enlightenment and not my body.

Sorry if this is the same kind of post as Leo's list of Enlightenment exercises. I am just curious as to what kind of exercises I could practice at home and at work without getting distracted. And also I would highly appreciate if these exercises are of Hindu origin or Jnana Yoga or Yoga in general.



Edited by Hotaka

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