
Looking for programmers and design gurus for a project

4 posts in this topic

It's a kind of wacky idea, but hear me out:

I had a vision a few months back of an online resource that offers a holistic approach to self-development. I want it to also integrate spiral dynamics and really be a tool that adjusts to each user's personality type, their unique ambitions, problems, desires, as well as their stage on the spiral.

To do this, I'm seeking the help of anyone who is experienced in creating web apps, web design, programming, or any other skill that would be needed to get something like this off the ground. I don't know much about any of these things myself, all I have is this vision.

I'm more of a starter than a finisher, and I know that this project is too ambitious for me to finish on my own, so if you think that this is something you would be interested in learning more about, feel free to PM me. Thank you.

Edited by Sash

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Hey, I'm a software developer and I know how to create complex web apps. But your project needs to be serious too, otherwise, I may not be able to help.

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@Raphael Glad to see that you're interested. Please PM me if you want more details.

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I'm front-end developer, if you're serious I’d be able to help.

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The Truth will free my soul

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