
Conspiracy “theories” are fear based?

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Sure as soon as you present me someone who knows everything that's happening (just on earth) we can keep talking about what infinity actually means.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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Even calling them theories is undermining term, it’d be conspiracy research I’d say personally.  They don’t self identify with it being a theory obviously - how simplistic do you think people are? 

If I just term people as “new age hippies” does that mean that’s what they are? - if it’s just anyone that I see go vegan.

; so are you lot saying that get so conscious that you don’t care about the rest of humanity because we’re all one? 

If the Buddha found out someone wanted to kill you, for a fact, he wouldn’t act upon it because he’s too conscious? - genuine question. 

Where’s the open-mindedness? You mum hatched in an egg. 


As if someone like David Icke would write like 20 books of incorrect information and people are soo dumb that just can’t figure out he’s lying. You know what’s a joke, nearly everything I’ve learned from Leo, I’ve learned from David Icke prior in his talks and books, I’ve learned from him about the nature of reality, the quantum physics of it, the electromagnetic spectrum, psychological principles like Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm syndrome, bystand effect, how the reptilian brain stem causes reactivate responses and fight or flight, cult mind control, being infinite awareness having a human experience, using psychedelics (ayahuasca), psychic phenomena, how the many control the few, how the system is rigged, how to be open to all possibility - I can find you a video right now that includes all of these things in one, so I’ve found that credible and then years later Leo then comes and explains it again but there a different lense. So I personally have validated a lot for myself and find these people credibile, ironically in this case for me David Icke was further validated in the future by people like Leo; people here should know about how cults work (Leo’s cult video), how the system works (wage slavery video), how people understand the world differently and are at different stages (spiral dynamics), so when someone brings it all together and says hey look at this, then gets termed “conspiracy theorist” why can’t people look at something for them selves in the same critical way, it’s ad hominem- it’s only because it’s David Icke or Alex Jones, because other people tell you what to think about them you choose to discredit it. Just like when people attack Leo in response videos, people here defend him and say that they don’t know Leo properly, so until you do, you can’t make as much articulate points.

Where are the stage yellows at? Multi perspective. 

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17 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:


As if someone like David Icke would write like 20 books of incorrect information and people are soo dumb that just can’t figure out he’s lying. You know what’s a joke, nearly everything I’ve learned from Leo, I’ve learned from David Icke prior in his talks and books,

A conspiracy theory might have quite a bit of truthful information surrounding it 

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28 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

A conspiracy theory might have quite a bit of truthful information surrounding it 

The only way someone can know how true something is is to validate it yourself. 

I could present a case that says Leo is a conspiracy theorist, he’s someone that thinks psychedelics will do this and that to you with no evidence. 

Is it not a conspiracy itself to dismiss and undermine someone as “just a conspiracy theorist” without validating it yourself. Conspiring against “those over there” the “conspiracy theorist” .

I could hear about Leo, just throw him in any old category - “that new age guy” and say, well there could be some truth around what he says, but he’s still from new age - it’s coming from an assumption of ‘he’s still incorrect in his perception’  

he’s just trying to get money from you/ he’s projecting his insecurities on you/ he doesn’t want to take responsibility for life 


maybe it is that, in a certain sense if there is a global conspiracy happening and people choose to ignore and dismiss it in the most textbook style way of doing it, then I could argue that people don’t want to take responsibility for it, don’t want to feel responsible for contributing to the world in such a way, it’s too much to handle - then just hiding being the “them vs us” or “spiral dynamics” -  ‘being too spiritual for that’ 

consider if there is a global conspiracy happening it is everyone’s responsibility to what outcome comes from it - this is not debatable. 

There could be a dystopian world full of Buddhist monks that don’t care. Would out great for both parties. 

Edited by Jahmaine

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A conspiracy theory usually involves a secret plot

12 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

The only way someone can know how true something is is to validate it yourself. 

I could present a case that says Leo is a conspiracy theorist, he’s someone that thinks psychedelics will do this and that to you with no evidence. 


That is different.
A conspiracy theory is where somebody has a theory about a secret plot going on that most people don't know about 

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2 hours ago, Tanz said:

Yes, conspiracy theories are fear-based, even if they are true.

The notion of a separate self is an illusion. This breakdown to conspiracy theory as a fight against yourself.  We consistently self conspire against ourselves. 

This. Being afraid of ourselves is pretty much the essence of the ego.

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22 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

A conspiracy theory usually involves a secret plot

That is different.
A conspiracy theory is where somebody has a theory about a secret plot going on that most people don't know about 

Yeah Leo’s secret plot with the new age movement to misdirect and harm people with psychedelics. I could imagine dogmatic religious people saying something like that.

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11 minutes ago, gswva said:

This. Being afraid of ourselves is pretty much the essence of the ego.

I’d agree also - id say the collective ego deceives itself in the same way, both on an individual and collect level, the ego conspires against itself to make itself grander. 

Would be helpful if there were people that could help others see how the deception can influence behaviour.

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Investigation can reveal insufficient evidence. 

Evidence can reveal insufficient investigation.  

Misunderstanding begets understanding. 

Misdirection begets direction. 

What is found is what is ostracized. 



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5 hours ago, Jahmaine said:

Yeah Leo’s secret plot with the new age movement to misdirect and harm people with psychedelics. I could imagine dogmatic religious people saying something like that.

That would be a conspiracy about Leo not a theory of Leo's.

A conspiracy theory could be true or false.

When people use the term in a negative way they are talking about the majority of conspiracy theories that have very weak evidence.

Something to consider is that people who have conspiracy theories, for instance that the 26 people killed in the Sandy Hook shootings was fake will point to various things they think are suspicious

But these various things they think are hard to explain can be explained by other wacky theories not just their wacky theory and having an explantion does not means it is what really happened.  The various details they bring up don't prove their particular theory is correct. It just may show some details are not clear.  It could be possible that an official explanation is false but if this is the case it doesn't mean if they could prove that an official explanation is false that then their particular alternative theory is true but they often act like it does.  

Could you quote some of these Leo comments on conspiracy theories and what thread they are in?


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a theory is by definition something with fundaments

a theory that involves a conspiracy deserves to be more clear and logic possible,but what we see in the so called ''alternative'' media is that what people call a conspiracy theory is nothing more than vague hipothesis based of fear or a self promoted con artists 

one valid conspiracy theory its about the current global banking system.. its monopolized by very few people with not so popular acceptance of general population

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@Nak Khid
Just because the whole picture is not known doesn't mean we can't decipher fragments of the whole which are true.
Don't you see that this is literally just a cop out what you are saying here?
We care about uncovering what's really going on and we do it with the cards that are given to us.
You are creating these camps of conspiracy theorists vs non-conspiracy theorists and assume because some of these conspiracy theorists merely theorize and value their theory over another that non-conspiracy theorists must be superior in some way.
Why would someone having false assumptions after their research keep you from doing your own research and form your own opinion instead of dismissing everything just because someone came up with something that according to your world view must be false.
Sometimes you just have to live with the fact that you don't know everything, in fact you can't ever know everything unless you are physically dead.
Of course we as "conspiracy theorists" don't know every single detail about what's really going on, we are just uncovering what we can and some of us build their own models of the bigger picture, these models are at least better than having zero and just giving up. Do you think scientific models are perfect? They are being refined as we speak, although it takes a long time in some cases and eventually new models emerge which replace the old.
You are proposing to just let them do to the people what ever they like because you can't possibly find out the whole truth at once.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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16 minutes ago, LaucherJunge said:

@Nak Khid
Just because the whole picture is not known doesn't mean we can't decipher fragments of the whole which are true.
Don't you see that this is literally just a cop out what you are saying here?
We care about uncovering what's really going on and we do it with the cards that are given to us.
You are creating these camps of conspiracy theorists vs non-conspiracy theorists and assume because some of these conspiracy theorists merely theorize and value their theory over another that non-conspiracy theorists must be superior in some way.
Why would someone having false assumptions after their research keep you from doing your own research and form your own opinion instead of dismissing everything just because someone came up with something that according to your world view must be false.
Sometimes you just have to live with the fact that you don't know everything, in fact you can't ever know everything unless you are physically dead.
Of course we as "conspiracy theorists" don't know every single detail about what's really going on, we are just uncovering what we can and some of us build their own models of the bigger picture, these models are at least better than having zero and just giving up. Do you think scientific models are perfect? They are being refined as we speak, although it takes a long time in some cases and eventually new models emerge which replace the old.
You are proposing to just let them do to the people what ever they like because you can't possibly find out the whole truth at once.

A conspiracy theory may be true.

Some may be somewhat plausible

but others completely ridiculous and not worth the time listening to the details of

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@Nak Khid
That's true, would be a lie to say I don't do it exactly like this as well.
I just try to stay open minded or somewhat agnostic in those cases, that's all.

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 From non- dual/absolute truth perspective all pro and anti conspiracy theories are stuck at the level of belief, story, language and duality. They don't  seek truth for truth sake. I find them to be great example of Paradigm lock down. It is easy to navigate how the process originates from the ego ==> collective ego ====> ideology and self deception. 


12 hours ago, Jahmaine said:


If someone tells me “hey that group of people are trying rape your daughter and kill you, here’s the proof, do what you want with it”  if I feel fear does that mean it’s because the person told me it is fear based or is it because fear arose in me and I projected it?


It all boils down to defining the 'self'. If you define yourself as the meat bag who was born from your mother's womb and will die when your food body stop working then you are operating from a locked paradigm, and you should fear.

What happened in the above case is you consumed information and you personalized it. That is when the reptilian brain gets activated and the ego will mobilize and will be fearful and take action. No need to be fearful though as you are the other person too. 

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@Jahmaine You make great points.

Essentially it boils down to: What is fear-based for one may not be fear-based for another. People are different. Don't cede your authority to others who claim something is "fear-based" when you know in your heart that to you it is not based in fear but in love.

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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what if there's a conspiracy to call people conspiracy theorists?


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@Jahmaine Anything that makes you worry or overthink (the circumstances can be ending up with positive or negative results) is based on fear. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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