
Why would anyone NOT get shaktipat or use 5-Meo Dmt

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I also think Leo does not buy the shaktipat concept

but it seems easy to test it to see what you think

Edited by Nak Khid

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1 hour ago, AlphaAbundance said:



  • Risk of pyschedelics?

You could have a bad trip and Leo has said you shouldn't take them if you have depression etc.

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7 minutes ago, tenta said:

You could have a bad trip and Leo has said you shouldn't take them if you have depression etc.

Each chemical is different. 

Each one would have to be tested to see if there are any long term physical effects on the brain with heavy use 

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This is a divine process of surrendering, it will involve all aspects of your life, you can't do it in a day nor would you want to, there's a reason it takes about X amount of years for basically everyone. As if becoming an enlightened human being doesn't come with a new life... (it may stay ordinary, but not for your own experience).

Shaktipad is also good because you are associated with an actual thinking/traditional/lineage human. But that's not a quicky either.

The good news is, which for some reason people aren't talking about, but it's that you can already be happy, naturally happy, before enlightenment, just by loving or resting, which you can practice, and which will make you happier if you practice them well.

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2 hours ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

This is a divine process of surrendering, it will involve all aspects of your life, you can't do it in a day nor would you want to, there's a reason it takes about X amount of years for basically everyone. As if becoming an enlightened human being doesn't come with a new life... (it may stay ordinary, but not for your own experience).

Shaktipad is also good because you are associated with an actual thinking/traditional/lineage human. But that's not a quicky either.

The good news is, which for some reason people aren't talking about, but it's that you can already be happy, naturally happy, before enlightenment, just by loving or resting, which you can practice, and which will make you happier if you practice them well.

Wisest post in the whole thread

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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I have never done shaktipat, but have done RASA. The people that give it do sometimes promote it as a fasttrack towards enlightenment, however I underwent RASA a couple of times and was said to reached the level of consciousness and I only needed to wait. I have waited now for almost 2 years but don't feel it had much effect. That doesn't mean it couldn't work very well for other people.
Jed Mckenna said once something like 'of course, when the apples are ripe from the tree, you can shake it a little and the apples will fall, not much to it. However the fruits must be ripe first, so just do the work..'.
Not sure if that analogy is accurate or not, but just sharing.

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8 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Those two are the fastest methods to enlightenment and cut through all the bullshit. Why the hell would anyone seeking enlightenment NOT get shaktipat or stuff some 5Meo up their ass? We should be promoting these methods not meditating hours a day and other bullshit. These are easy peasy efficient methods (relatively). Honestly I'm fucking intrigued maybe there is something I'm missing or what???

Love received is great, no problem at all, receive healing all day long. 



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1 hour ago, Waken said:

I have never done shaktipat, but have done RASA. The people that give it do sometimes promote it as a fasttrack towards enlightenment, however I underwent RASA a couple of times and was said to reached the level of consciousness and I only needed to wait. I have waited now for almost 2 years but don't feel it had much effect. That doesn't mean it couldn't work very well for other people.




They do use the term here although but Hindu practitioners might not consider it legit


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Levels of intensity


  • In Kashmir Shaivism, depending on its intensity, Śaktipāt can be classified as:
  • tīvra-tīvra-śaktipāta - the so-called "Super Supreme Grace" - produces immediate identity with Śiva and liberation; such a being goes on to become a siddha master and bestows grace from his abode (Siddhaloka), directly into the heart of deserving aspirants[5]
  • tīvra-madhya-śaktipāta - "Supreme Medium Grace" - such a being becomes spiritually illuminated and liberated on his own, relying directly on Śiva, not needing initiation or instruction from other exterior guru. This is facilitated by an intense awakening of his spiritual intuition (pratibhā) which immediately eliminates ignorance[5]
  • tīvra-manda-śaktipāta - "Supreme Inferior Grace" - the person who received this grace strongly desires to find an appropriate guru, but he does not need instruction, but a simple touch, a look or simply being in the presence of his master is enough to trigger in him to the state of illumination[5]
  • madhya-tīvra-śaktipāta - "Medium Supreme Grace" - a disciple who receives this grace desires to have the instruction and initiation of a perfect guru; in time he becomes enlightened. However, he is not totally absorbed into this state during his lifetime and receives a permanent state of fusion with Śiva after the end of his life[6]
  • madhya-madhya-śaktipāta - "Medium Middle Grace" - such a disciple will receive initiation from his guru and have an intense desire to attain liberation, but at the same time he still has desire for various enjoyments and pleasure; after the end of his life, he continues to a paradise where he fulfills all his desires and after that he receives again initiation from his master and realizes permanent union with Śiva[7]
  • madhya-manda-śaktipāta - "Medium Inferior Grace" - is similar to "Medium Middle Grace" except that in this case the aspirant desires worldly pleasures more than union with Śiva; he needs to be reincarnated again as a spiritual seeker to attain liberation[7]
  • manda - "Inferior Grace" - for those who receive this level of grace, the aspiration to be united with Śiva is present only in times of distress and suffering; the grace of Śiva needs to work in them for many lifetimes before spiritual liberation occurs



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i've had a bad experience with shakipat ..

the guru basically put his finger in my head and from then on i had a constantly headache in that part of my body

be very carefull with this sort of things 

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the test would be do an experiment with a group of people, maybe 30-40

they are blindfolded and told they will be lightly touched on the head, safely and painlessly and with no reason given, no mention of shakipatand the subjects would not be Indian so they would have even less chance to guess what the experiment was about

Half the people are touched on the forehead by the guru who says they can transfer shakipat  the other by an ordinary non-guru person

Then the people are interviewed after and asked if they noticed and differences after the touch.
They continue to be not informed about the details of test and are interviewed a week later to see again if they reported any changes, experiment over 

So then you compare the half that were touched by the guru with the other half that weren't



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10 hours ago, Waken said:

I have never done shaktipat, but have done RASA. The people that give it do sometimes promote it as a fasttrack towards enlightenment, however I underwent RASA a couple of times and was said to reached the level of consciousness and I only needed to wait. I have waited now for almost 2 years but don't feel it had much effect.

What was your last LOC?

If it's 1000, you may need three years to see a major breakthrough.  If it's not 1000, then you're simply not finished.

I had a big one almost 2 1/2 years in.

A lot of people reach 1000, refuse to listen and be patient and then start complaining.  

You're not the first.  I had a friend who was the same way, he was thrashing about for awhile...and then quieted down when he had enough purification take place.

So eventually they have the breakthrough and stop complaining.  It happens on its own.  I don't know anyone at 1000+3 years who is still complaining.

The only reason people would not explore RASA is they are just not ready.

It takes overcoming quite a few psychological barriers to be open to it.

For example, if you have all kinds of trust issues you may project all kinds of suspicions onto the teachers.

It's totally nonsensical, of course; you can contact a bunch of people and ask them about it in detail, but the ego easily uses suspicion as a way of defending itself.

And some people have other issues, like not only wanting enlightenment but wanting it their own special way (self-defeating ego agenda.)

Anyway, a lot of people don't have the kind of judgment that is needed to know whom to trust and whom not to.  They get it reversed.  It's sad, but it is what it is.

And many are still in the muck of all kinds of false spiritual beliefs.



Edited by Haumea2018

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@AlphaAbundance I agree, and these methods can both be great in their own right. 


I personally went the RASA + 1-1 teaching route and it was 1000x more effective than anything else BUT this doesn’t mean it was easy or a magic pill. 

I worked with and received rasa near enough fortnightly for 9 months, so it isn’t as if you have 1 session and be done with it, the human side was just as valuable to me. 

It still involves integration work and normal “practices”, I still meditate every morning and likely will for the rest of my life, 1) because I enjoy it and 2) it helps start my day right& ground me. 

There is also no magic pill, you will still have to do shadow work, face your demons, face the TRUTH (everyone thinks they want to but do they?) and actually get into the trenches of yourself, and trust me it isn’t always pretty or fun. As an Enneagram 7 learning to feel and actually be with my negative emotions was such a hard lesson, after years of distracting myself, opening up and becoming vulnerable to emotion was like opening a huge can of worms. 

Don’t underestimate the need for normal practices/ integration. It’s not as if you can just get RASA once and be done forever, even @Haumea2018 who needed much fewer sessions, still had to do years of integration work as he said. 

So, yes RASA (IMo) is one of the best tools available for true awakening, but it isn’t a quick fix, or magic pill. There is still work involved- sorry! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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38 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@AlphaAbundance I agree, and these methods can both be great in their own right. 


I personally went the RASA + 1-1 teaching route and it was 1000x more effective than anything else BUT this doesn’t mean it was easy or a magic pill. 

I worked with and received rasa near enough fortnightly for 9 months, so it isn’t as if you have 1 session and be done with it, the human side was just as valuable to me. 


Could you give some detail on you you received rasa ?

    You say  near enough fortnightly for 9 months, I assume that means about 18 times total. What was the cost?  

And when you heard about it did you immediately think it was possible or did it take you a while to become convinced? 

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Nak Khid I read 1000 by Ramaji in October 2018, thought it was BS some transmission could help me awaken, decided to email Ananda in December, and eventually got sessions in April, I will write more later but I have a blocker on my browser that is blocking the forum in 10 seconds until after work lol- sorry!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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remember that what enlightenment will show you is that Nothing exists.

Think about your ideas about what it would mean to "walk around being enlightened" and what your highest states have actually shown you.

When you peak, nothing exists, you cannot simultaneously have that and "walk around being enlightened."

Forget there’s anything to forget and remember there’s nothing to remember

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Learn the difference between states of conscisuness and stages of consciusness. You can have a very profound spiritual experience (state), but then you return to your default consciusness level (stage). Thus, you need to maintain a regular meditation practice to create permanent stages of conscisuness and use those radical experience (states) to see your spiritual goal and also climp in your spiritual practice.


There are exceptions where the person can awaken without practice and maintain that state. Ramana Maharsi just woke up thinking of death and was able to mantain their conscisuness level in that non-dual state. But this is just a rare exception. You need to do the work every day.


There are many nuances, but this is an outline that can be useful.


Read Wilber.


Edited by RedLine

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Long story short, experienced something that blew my fucking mind in regards to rasa / Shaktipah / transmission, whatever we call it, and wanted to apologize for being a total dick to you in the past in this regard. Love ya. Sorry.  ?



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