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Anyone with experience with all those brain scanning headsets?

6 posts in this topic

has somebody tried training with those eeg scanning machines which give you biofeedback about your brain abilities to concentrate and relax? 
did you find it useful? it helped you reach deeper states in meditation? 
how does it work? whats the logic behind it? 

im talking about the mind mirror, muse, EMOTIV. braintap, VERSUS headsets and more of that kind.. 
I would appreciate your views on them (if they're based on your experience)  


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@NoN-RaTiOnAL Unless your planing in investing a considerable amount of money for decent equipment and software most of what you describe are little more then toys. Here is a sample of what real equipment and software looks like...........


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that is a monitor for analysis not a bidofeedback machine. The purpose of the above is to analyze brain activity while taking a drug.  

A biofeedback machine  gives you an audio sound or visual display which varies according to different brain wave states so that the user can tell when they are in one of these states 


Edited by Nak Khid

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Keep in mind that EEG has high temporal resolution, yet awful spatial resolution. For spatial activity, one would need fMRI.

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Positive an negative reviews of the popular Muse Head band









Edited by Nak Khid

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2 hours ago, cetus said:

Unless your planing in investing a considerable amount of money for decent equipment and software most of what you describe are little more then toys. Here is a sample of what real equipment and software looks like...........


yeah well maybe they do help.. as i said i would appreciate the opinion of people on the forum that have actually tried one of them...
also the mind mirror costs about 2100$ and thats no toy. 

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