Spiral Wizard

Are you an Entrepreneur?

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Who is doing this or who has the vision to manifest this:

Leo Gura:

"It's certainly possible to escape, but you'll have to be very ambitious and hard working.

It will also require the passion of a Life Purpose.

You can become such a creative and productive person that you generate millions of dollars of value within a 10 year period, thus buying your freedom. But most people just aren't serious enough to be that creative and productive. They don't have a compelling enough vision."


I think you would agree that it is quite hard to find fellow human beings who managed to nail their survival while being highly developed. I personally struggled a long time with striking a good balance and prioritizing what is necessary to manifest my vision.  

I would love to connect! Shoot me a private message or just leave a quick comment if you are open to exchange some wisdom. 

Edited by Spiral Wizard

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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Why do you equate getting good with survival with being underdeveloped? In my opinion, the better you get the hang of survival - the more developed you are. And mastering survival is one of the best self-development strategies there is. Leo himself mentioned that entrepreneurship will make you improve yourself like you're on steroids, because you can't really succeed in business if you do stupid stuff. And the journey itself will FORCE you to improve yourself. I agree with him on this.

My self I am moving towards that vision (before he commented it) but I also incorporate spiritual stuff and care about life purpose\zone of genius stuff. It seems to be making stuff easier\more effective. Being more conscious doesn't make you shitty entrepreneur or less effective in wordly endevours, lol. If anything, it makes you more effective at anything you decide to do, entrepreneurship included. Consciousness helps you be more creative and smart, as well as to help you see things other people don't notice. How this can possibly be bad for business? Consciousness doesn't make you stupid, lol

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2 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

Why do you equate getting good with survival with being underdeveloped?

@Hello from Russia Oh, I think I have not expressed myself accurately enough. 

My point was that there are many who are overindulged either in survival (people who just chase money and success) or people who only chase enlightenment after enlightenment while neglecting mastering life on a more relative plane (a.k.a. survival). 

In my current opinion, fulfilling for a HUMAN BEING life consists of being HUMAN and BEING. Therefore balancing the two. In the end, nonduality includes duality. One ramification of this is incorporating survival in one's pursuits. 

Even though I think there is a point to transcend survival to a high extend I currently strive to become masterful at both. 

Are we on the same page now?

Edited by Spiral Wizard

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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10 minutes ago, Spiral Wizard said:

@Hello from Russia Oh, I think I have not expressed myself accurately enough. 

My point was that there are many who are overindulged either in survival (people who just chase money and success) or people who only chase enlightenment after enlightenment while neglecting mastering life on a more relative plane (a.k.a. survival). 

In my current opinion, fulfilling for a HUMAN BEING life consists of being HUMAN and BEING. Therefore balancing the two. In the end, nonduality includes duality. One ramification of this is incorporating survival in one's pursuits. 

Even though I think there is a point to transcend survival to a high extend I currently strive to become masterful at both. 

Are we on the same page now?

We are

But this story about people chasing money blindlessly, to be honest, I don't know. Lately, I've been noticing it's just a distracting story we use to tell ourselves and excuse our shitty perfomence. When I looked more into reality, I notices a lot of people strive for success for more "on purpose" reasons, they want to actually do something meaningful with their lifes or get into a position to help many people. Or they just run from intense suffering which is easily solvable by money. A lot of time their baseline motivation isn't bad.

So, I don't know about that demonization of success chasers. I could be biased, though, due to my influences. 

I agree more on your second point about people chasing enlightenment. Personally, I've grown very sick of those hippies after I started doing a lot of work in the real world. I used to have a simillar stage green mindset as doing stuff in the world doesn't matter at all, but I quickly realized that shit just doesn't fly if you want to actually do something in your life and influence the world in some way. This is when you start entering into Yellow and become more pragmatic and, perhaps, more rude than common stage green folk. At least this is my experience with all that

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2 minutes ago, GodDesireOnlyLove said:

@Hello from Russia I don't think that, I see that.


Bashing on stage green hippies and promoting effectiveness doesn't necessarily equate onto being stage orange

Edited by Hello from Russia

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11 minutes ago, GodDesireOnlyLove said:

@Hello from Russia I don't think that, I see that.


lol, what? 

1 hour ago, Hello from Russia said:

Personally, I've grown very sick of those hippies after I started doing a lot of work in the real world. I used to have a simillar stage green mindset as doing stuff in the world doesn't matter at all, but I quickly realized that shit just doesn't fly if you want to actually do something in your life and influence the world in some way. This is when you start entering into Yellow

@Hello from Russia Agreed. I had very similar insights while developing from orange to green and from green to yellow. Many get stuck demonizing stage orange, which in my case, let me throw the baby out with the bathwater haha. I demonized all chasing and all success. This created a nasty shadow. After I healed my little burn out trauma I integrated stage orange and green which enabled me to develop beyond and incorporate the wisdom of both. 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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@Hello from Russia about this sentence I agree. But stage yellow is integration of absolute relativism as truth.

I would try to reflect on why being a "hippie" is wrong.

maybe sitting on your ass all day is still more productive than rushing after invisible shits, but your call not mine.

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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Vision is highly important. Something I am working on myself. A lot of things can change in 10 years specifically if you set a good course for yourself. I have not worked a regular job in several years and am doing quite well without it. But it has taken a lot of time and energy to build up a skill set to get me this far. I almost take it for granted at this point, but I could never work another job again. I am so much happier and have built a great amount of well being for myself. Most of my efforts are not just dumped into making money either. I work on one of my businesses to earn money about three days a week. 

Edited by Average Investor

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13 hours ago, Spiral Wizard said:

lol, what? 

@Hello from Russia Agreed. I had very similar insights while developing from orange to green and from green to yellow. Many get stuck demonizing stage orange, which in my case, let me throw the baby out with the bathwater haha. I demonized all chasing and all success. This created a nasty shadow. After I healed my little burn out trauma I integrated stage orange and green which enabled me to develop beyond and incorporate the wisdom of both. 

I experienced the same. Trying to reintegrate good healthy orange stuff now after so much time demonizing it from stage green perspective. It's just you start to see how much bullshit there is in green and how much you're bullshitting yourself and others when you're moving from this paradygm and how limiting it is. Not to say I'm not bullshitting myself and others from my curent state now, but it feels way less and at least I feel way more conscious when I do that now. When I used to be green I placed these ideologies as though they were the truth. Now I think that the whole notion of "truth" is kinda bullshit. Not to say I don't care about truth and not pursuing it, I just became 10-100x more careful with that notion and believing in "truthts" too much.

I guess I have a shadow in green, because my own behaviour and my attachments to this paradigm caused me SO MUCH suffering on a day-to-day basis, because i was demonizing effectiveness, I demonized money, I thought there is nothing to pursue, so I didn't pursue what was needed with the intensity that was needed and had a lot of financial and material problems because of that. Which caused me to be dependent on my siblings that treated me with a huge deal of toxicity, because, obviously, I also didn't want to conform to their worldviews.

And I even realize that I act bitter towards green people in day-to-day life and sort of can't stand them when they are imposing their worldviews too much and think it's true. Gotta work out this bitterness at some point. Ken Wilber writes very good about the transition from green. He says that when you move further, about 85-90% of people typically develop an allergy to green (and symthoms are very close to how I feel) and 10-15% of people kinda remained attached to green, while still opening their mind.

I want to say, though, that actually, I love being around green people in non-serious setting. When there is time to connect, nurture yourself and others, speak about mental and bodily health, spend time on a retreat together meditating or just having a close 1-1 conversation with a friend, sharing experiences and more intimate feelings about things. It's all good stuff, I love it. But when it comes to something pragmatic and serious. When it's about getting results, I just can't stand it. I just see them as a bunch of wobblers who just talk a lot of shit but don't live it. Or they actually try to live it but they are so naive in their efforts it's no surprise they can't accomplish anything. And from my experience it's true for spiritual stuff to the same degree. They are very rarely the serious seekers. They are the most intense experience and state junkies i've seen (caring for kundalinig "feel good"  states more than they care for truth). So, It's very hard to treat them seriously.


13 hours ago, GodDesireOnlyLove said:

I would try to reflect on why being a "hippie" is wrong.

maybe sitting on your ass all day is still more productive than rushing after invisible shits, but your call not mine.

Nothing is wrong with being a hippie if that's what you want. I am just saying that hippies often position themselves as they are doing a ton of shit to society, while in actuality, they are merely just talking most of the time. I actually love the hippy lifestyle, but it is pretty selfish. Not bashing on being selfish by the way, I think it is the right thing to take time to take a good care of yourself and nurture your soul, so to speak. Just don't act as though you're completely selfless because you're not.

I think the notion of productivity depends on your goals. I don't deny that sitting on your ass all day can actually be quite productive, for example, if you're having an intense meditation retreat or contemplating some stuff deeply and this is your 100% intent and purpose. But if you're trying to create a ton of change in the world, make money, be financially independent, get your health in order, make good relationships and stuff like that - I'd say it's a pretty bullshit way to go about those things.

Edited by Hello from Russia

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The thing with being highly developed is, when you search for a life purpose. Your creation, that you want to bring in the world. Its more likely to be something that will really fulfill you. You are less likely to loose yourself chasing things that wont make you happy.

You also realize that to survive you dont need as much as you maybe thought.

Do you have a life purpose?

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@Spiral Wizard

Have you experienced a dark night of the soul event? 

Do any of you guys know - is it happening every time when you are going into the next spiral stage or is it one event in a lifetime?

From my experience it works like that - you are given a choice - enlightenment, and end of your life or living a dream and staying in this world, filling up your ego, and going up in stages on a spiral. You either want to die or don't. It feels like that - you either sell your soul to the devil (stay in the material world, chasing money, fame, success, women, etc.) or you die. There will be no mistake man, you will say to yourself - I did everything I wanted in this life, I am ready to die. That's why it happened so easy to Eckhart Tolle I think, his suffering was so big, that he just wanted to die.

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