
Telepathy, Curing disease with the power of the mind

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I don't know what is happening to Leo lately, he claimed that he can control thing only with his mind or can cure all humanity disease just with the mind, for me this statement is irrational and wierd, how is that possible. maybe he is wrong ? all humans do mistake and sometimes go little bit out reality, we can imagine anything. even existence is so deep and complexe. and it's wierd than we think we should be very careful about what we say in my opnion.

Some members will probably not like this post, but why not being open minded and be skeptic about what you hear. I really like Leo content but he can't be right all the time.

i'm very open minded but those claim aren't really grounded, if anything someone claim is true .. so what's real and what's not real ......then we lose meaning to everything.

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If you check out Dr. Joe Dispenza's books (the first example that comes to my mind) or videos you can see how those claims can be true. 

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This isn’t skepticism, it’s cynicism. What you’re talking about is entirely possible, but in actuality, as in for you, or “one mind at a time”. Dis-ease arises in misunderstanding mind, body, self, other & reality. One can’t go ‘out of reality’, nor is it ‘super deep & complex’. It’s surface, nothing is hidden. Perception is precisely as it appears, and so is thought, feeling & emotion. The misunderstanding & confusion arises in assumptions & beliefs pertaining to an ‘outside’ or ‘other than’ direct experience. Real & not real is meaning, and there is already no ‘meaning to everything’ - that is in large part the very misunderstanding which ‘separates’ one from their true nature, unknowingly creating the dis-ease. Telepathy is incredibly useful in this regard, but will never be assertable. One is oneself choice. Were one not, one would have no dis-ease or inquiry about it. 



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@Spinoza you have to follow the train of thought and the implications.

Materialism: the world is "out there" and made up of tiny bits of stuff (atoms, elementary particles, forces) that obey consistent laws. The world works like a machine that just runs by itself, and it all started with a "big bang" and has been going on ever since. It's possible to invisibly transmit messages, but this is just electromagnetism which obeys its own set of laws.

It's not really possible to explain consciousness with materialism, because consciousness is not made of anything and doesn't obey laws - instead it's bodged so that "somehow" the matter machine produces the "conscious experience" via the brain. Telepathy is not explainable, because conscious experience would have to be transferred directly from one person to another - but there is no explanation for the conscious experience in the first place.

Non-materialism: the world is exactly what you are experiencing - it is the conscious experience and nothing else. There is nothing beyond the conscious experience, everything is encompassed by it. The brain and atoms and electromagnetism are just experiences within consciousness. More importantly they are just inferences based on analogy and memory, in other words: stories and beliefs.

The natural question is then to ask where the conscious experience arises from - and if it's separate from other people's conscious experiences - and even if other people are having a conscious experience. The "simple" answer is that there is no separation at all. Consciousness cannot arise from anything because there is nothing beyond consciousness to produce it. Your consciousness is not separate from mine, because then your consciousness would be beyond my consciousness. Hopefully you see where I'm going.

If there is no separation at all then it is possible for one part of the conscious experience to affect another part without any force or particles or transmission of any sort (because they're not needed). That is telepathy.

The final question is one of ownership.

The conscious experience is exactly that, an experience. Who is experiencing it? That's where much confusion arises. The "who" is just an experience inside consciousness, it is a side effect of consciousness not the source of it. Consciousness is therefore not owned by you - and it is not really an "experience". Technically, you don't need to exist for consciousness to exist. So, you cannot "do" or "learn" telepathy, because "you" are too limited. But consciousness (a.k.a. reality) itself is not limited, it can do what it likes. Telepathy is perfectly possible, but you have have to remove "yourself" for it to happen.

57% paranoid

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@LastThursday As you said, "It's possible" i'm not new to the concept of materialism and i did not meant that the universe is materialistic "a clock", the link you made between consciousness is an assumption which can be possible, but nobody know, we can claim anything, don't tell me what you said is truth, it's a possibility and i have thought about. but neither me or you really understand consciousness.

We are using our mind explaining, if you explain and give example you are still using the concept or logique, meaning....etc anyone who ask to not use the mind, he should shut up and not speak. cause anytime he do he is using mind/concepts.

I believe that Leo is missing something, i know you can go beyond daily life consciousness level, but there also chance of delusion, the more you try to dig deeper the more chance that you gonna out and lose sens of reality, cause you are always using the mind and the mind can decieve you, also since you are alive, you have ego, giving bold claim usually is an ego thing.

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I think we should be open minded to any idea, but .... also open minded that we may be deluded 

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Sorry for the essay I'm in the mood to write.

3 hours ago, Spinoza said:

we can claim anything, don't tell me what you said is truth, it's a possibility

I totally agree with you. As soon as you open your mouth and speak, it's no longer truth, it's just a possibility. Even "consciousness" is just a word, it's not a truth. The map is not the territory. The only truth is the territory. Most people around here call it "direct experience", and unfortunately direct experience can't be shared (although see Leo's latest video!).

I think the delusion is happening not to Leo, but to the people interpreting Leo's words and body language with reference to their own experiences. It's your classic projection 101. You are giving the character of Leo life by creating a story around him, just like a character in a book. Yes, I am saying that we're both deluded - we both love a good story. We in fact know hardly anything about Leo.


Telepathy (I don't know about healing) is in the realm of communication. Communication is a very strange beast. But at its core is: Correlation.

Say you set up an experiment, where you stand on a hill with a torch in the dark. You have a friend on another hill in the distance looking out for the light from your torch. You can send a message say in morse code by switching the torch on and off and your friend can make notes of what s/he receives. 

The first strangeness is that you have no way of knowing if your message was received. Your friend may have fallen asleep for example or there was fog in the valley between you blocking the light. The simplest solution to this is for your friend to also have a torch and replay the message they received from you - that way you will know if they received your message. How strange! All communication is a two way protocol. Unless you have confirmation of what you sent, you will never know if your message was received.

Ok, so what if the confirmation message from your friend is different from the message you sent out? Maybe your friend misread your flashes or got distracted. Then you can say, well most of the message is the same, so they must have received it ok. Notice how strange this is. Now we are less sure about whether our message was received. It's gone from a certainty to something less. It's gone from causation to correlation. 

No communication is perfect. The best you can do in any communication is to say that what is received is correlated to what is sent out. The correlation can go from 0% to 100% and everything inbetween.

So back to the experiment. You decide to try out telepathy to communicate. You throw your torch away and sit there in silence. Instead you just think about the message you want to send. Your friend is now receiving your thoughts, but still sends confirmation back using her/his torch and morse code.

Now you find that most of the time the confirmation message does not match your thought message, it's completely different; the correlation has gone down to 0%. But maybe, just occasionally your friend sends back one or two correct words! So the correlation is now above 0%. Did some of your message get through? Some will say it was just coincidence, some will say telepathy is real. And maybe there is a way to increase the correlation towards 100%?



57% paranoid

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it's a possibility maybe possible maybe not, i'm open to the idea that telepathy can be real but ..... a POSSIBILITY not a fact for now... it's still beyond our understanding. if it can't be understood better not to talk about it

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On 4/26/2020 at 5:17 PM, Spinoza said:

it's a possibility maybe possible maybe not, i'm open to the idea that telepathy can be real but ..... a POSSIBILITY not a fact for now... it's still beyond our understanding. if it can't be understood better not to talk about it

Are you sure about that last sentence? How do you know something can’t be understood? And, why would it be better not to talk about it?

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i need to "heal" my right eye, little scared, i will take every god damn "mumbo jumbo" in this world to make that happen. 

p.s i had a glimpse of telepathy last year (i think) waitress sad: "thank you" in my head.....#humble....

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