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So, I had a huge breakthrough of self transparent honesty which was facilitated by two cups of coffee and then an hour run which cleared my mind and harmonized the brain like a psychedelic. (I did Breath of Fire into stomach the whole run, lol) 

Anyways, I realized after these four years of discovering Leo, I've literally done NOTHING with my life, haha. I feel like when I first discovered him and a bit now still that I'm his top %1 fans who see the rareness and immense value such a channel provides. 


However, there's only so much you can get through media and videos and forum browsing every second of the day. This is NOT high consciousness, this is procrastination after a year or two, really. 


I am taking a break to SOLIDIFY and REBUILD Orange. I hit green intellectually and at times Yellow, as well as MANY turquoise experiences, however my life still seems shitty because 1. Chemical/Lack of Oxygen (this I have covered now) 2. I lack discipline and follow through to do anything with my enlightenment experiences - realistically, if I don't change my foundation of Orange, NOW, I may never get enlightened, at ALL. I must embrace and push through. 


Essential New Habits:

-30 Minutes of Exercise DAILY - Run, Pushups, Jumping Jacks

-30 Minutes of Breathwork ONLY

-No laptop, apps, YouTube, Porn, Forum. 

-Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber and Iboga Retreat to Reset brain pre-addiction and make brain more cohesive with more oxygen. 

-Read ONLY Books from Leo's list - One a month. I've only read like 4-6 books and really some of them I never really finish cause my ADD, and lack of discipline. I won't get anything out of technology really, I have exceeded it's limits to help me - it's just entertainment rotting my brain to want pleasure and instant fixes. People talk about bullshit. Someone who writes a book has something to say. TRUTH. 

-Only take edibles in low doses if have trouble sleeping. No recreational use. 

-Read all the success books on Leo's booklist. NO MORE ENLIGHTENMENT books. I'm 22, god damn, I'll be a 40 year old virgin living in my parent's house if I don't wake the FUCK up. 

-Two 10 Day Meditation/Life Purpose Journal - I'll never become enlightened through peak states of weed and the such, another shadow of shaky Orange foundation which has breed the self-deception for years. 

-Oxygen flow is the best interconnected "pill" for me, for sure. 

-I don't need to see a technique in a video or for Leo to tell me to do something next for my life - that infinite procrastinating and chasing is over, with awareness gradually. RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENT MY SELF!!!

Leo's last video gave me the final push to make this dream a reality. Really, that was the most profound and moving piece of art I have EVER seen. Makes me wonder if he's human or divinely gifted to be so curious and disciplined with life. Amen, Leo. 

Love, Yours Truly. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Why do you need actualized.org when you have access to psychedelics? You can literally just channel a teacher or experience that will teach you everything you need to know, with much more clarity because its experience rather than words

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@EntheogenTruthSeeker sounds awesome you seem passionate about your plan and are in attack mode.  That is how you make moves in life to improve the quality of your life.  Godspeed!


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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My two cents:

1) I agree that watching spirituality videos can become a huge source of indirect procrastination for taking action. In my case, I’d often “spiritualize” my depression and social anxiety. That is, I’d think that those things were just an “ego backlash”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

I spent 10 years on the road of self-help. After I finally sought proper treatment, I now see how all of the books, videos, and workshops I had consumed were in a way not only a waste of time, but also in some cases detrimental to my growth and mental health

Because my psychology was so weak, I would believe everything I read. And spirituality can be particularly dangerous in this case, as it promotes the idea that “everything is exactly how it should be”.

All in all, I was overdosing myself with self-help stuff as an attempt to subconsciously self-medicate my untreated depression. That obviously didn’t work.

3) I think you’re being a little extreme. Those new habits you want to implement in your life are quite neurotic in my opinion. Too rigid and too many all at once.

As Leo himself says, don’t try to change too many things at once; it’s not going to work. Focus on one thing.

2) I understand that you must be worried about the direction of your life, but that rigid approach you’re taking  will not be effective and sustainable long-term.

Speaking from my personal experience, I wish I had gone the traditional route before. I would have prevented a lot of suffering.

I am a huge advocate of science. Psychology and psychiatry is what saved my ass. My life feels so good right now, as opposed to hell I lived in for 14 years. 

It’s expensive but it’s worth it. Here’s my experience in greater detail:

one day this will all be memories

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