
Leo's Soup Review

21 posts in this topic

I have been eating Leo's veggie soup recipe for 5 days now and noticed some really good benefits I would like to share. I have eaten this and cut out a lot of bullshit from my diet like sugar, heavy meats, fast food, bread etc.


1. I finally got a contrast for how I feel on a shitty diet vs. A good diet. SO MUCH BETTER !! 


-Less suffering 

- More loving and less emotionally reactive

- A lot more physical energy 

- I wake up less groggy and tired 

-A lot more conscious and better focus

- Realized that there is levels to consciousness. It's kind of like a meter where it can go infinitely high or low

- Also a lot more self honesty. Less Self-Deception. I posted in the meditation group a while back about not knowing what self-deception is. Nobody responded (Fuck y'all :) ) but I figured it out for myself. 

The soup has taken a large portion of my diet this week. I have been hungry, but have been coping with hunger pains better too :) 


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1 hour ago, Chumbimba said:

Fuck y'all :) 

People are more likely to respond if you respond to them

Like I responded to a bunch of your threads but there was no return response from you. That leaves the responding person confused. I felt like you're giving me a cold shoulder. So I was like, maybe you didn't like my response. 

I don't know, who am I to judge eh? So I just leave it.. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India I sent you a pm one time and it said you never read it or responded so I feel like you were giving me the cold shoulder too LOL :D 

No seriously your post have helped me out tremendously!!!  I have just been reserved on my responses because a part of me is still a bit shy, but I am breaking out of my shell more and more every day. Also this forum tends to have a lot of group think going on so I try to stay off it as much as possible unless I need something from you guys (Blame my ego ;)

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2 minutes ago, Chumbimba said:

@Preety_India I sent you a pm one time and it said you never read it or responded so I feel like you were giving me the cold shoulder too LOL :D 

No seriously your post have helped me out tremendously!!!  I have just been reserved on my responses because a part of me is still a bit shy, but I am breaking out of my shell more and more every day. Also this forum tends to have a lot of group think going on so I try to stay off it as much as possible unless I need something from you guys (Blame my ego ;)

xD hahaha. It seems you been doing great since you joined  the forum


Have a great day. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Laughed haha

only love here. Respect people' time

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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Leo isn’t that healthy so I would be wary when following up his diet advice. Go mediterranean lifestyle. 

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@GodDesireOnlyLove Love you :) 

@StarStruck When I lived in Spain I followed Mediterranean Diet. I loved it. I need a more plant based diet because I have a tendency to eat junk food and feel heavy and like an asshole. 

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Leo isn’t that healthy so I would be wary when following up his diet advice. Go mediterranean lifestyle

I'm pretty sure if you picked 10 random people on this forum, 8 would be struggling with some sort of chronic condition. Just because somebody has a health issue on their own does not mean they have nothing to offer you in terms of useful health information. You would be surprised how many health influencers have undiagnosed or hidden conditions. They live in fear that once people find out about it, their audience would just abandon then. 

Btw what's wrong with vegetable soup? 

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@Michael569 Leo's understanding of a healthy diet is not that good. I mean he says smoothies are healthy. If you blend fruit, you destroy the fiber and it just becomes sugar with little nutritious benefit. Also eating the soup for days on end is not a good idea.  He said he makes these soups so he doesn't have to cook everyday. I mean, I can poke at his bad advice all day. These are just examples. Humans need fresh food. It also depends on your genetics what diet fits best but a lot of fresh (leef) greens, legumes, meats, olives and so on is a good start.  I gave my recommendation to Chumbibma. You are free to give your own recommendation too. 

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@Chumbimba I'm trying to figure all this out with changing my diet. That's one of my biggest stumbling blocks is I fall back into terrible food choices. I'm not overweight at all, but petite, but these poor eating habits is dragging me down. What makes it much harder is that my partner I live with does not like to eat healthy food, loves sugar, etc and he wants me to be like him.  What other foods are you incorporating? I have not tried the soup yet. 

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Yeah the soup is great, I've been making it lately as well. Thanks @Leo Gura.

However couldn't help but laughing at the tiny amount of spices he adds to the soup. you need wayyy more lol.

I recommend both black & white pepper. Also why the fuck add garlic powder? that's some American BS. Add real garlic. also add 2 onions to the mix.

Onions are healthy & give great taste.

I let it boil for 45 mins instead of 60, 60 mins is not needed and makes it too mushy.

Also add the lemon juice when serving, not during the boiling process, the boiling fucks up the taste of the lemon juice.

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Get an instant pot if you want to make it even faster. Also don't store things made with tomatoes and lemon juice in metal pans. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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On 4/24/2020 at 11:29 AM, StarStruck said:

If you blend fruit, you destroy the fiber and it just becomes sugar with little nutritious benefit.

This is not true, you are mistaking blending for juicing. blending doesn't destroy fiber.

Also whats bad about eating this soup everyday? how can eating vegetables everyday be bad?

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17 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@FlowerNote blending destroys the fibers too. I suggest you google it. :)

What? ?

No way calloway! 

people can live/thrive off fruit, juice and liquids. Health is very relative to the bodies terrain (equilibrium). For some digestive systems, green/fruit smoothie is great, for others, there may require a time for adapting 

Edited by DrewNows

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I've refined the recipe and now I add lemon juice to the soup in the last 5-10 mins. I also don't add olive oil any more. I add butter to the serving bowl. This makes the pot easier to clean with no clingly oil. Butter tastes WAY better than olive oil. I also add frozen peas for more protein.

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