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As I wake up, does the entire universe wake up too?

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@The observer the work of realising you are God, as opposed to *thinking* you are God. The difference is immeasurable. Right now you are God dreaming that you are in actual fact a human who believes that he is God. Drop the belief that you are God and focus on the practices. This is a trap to God realization

Edited by Aaron p

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1 minute ago, Aaron p said:

@The observer the work of realising you are God, as opposed to *thinking* you are God. The difference is immeasurable 

What's the difference? Becoming more solipsistic and nihilistic? And why would you assume that I've not realised God yet?

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There is a massive difference. You must go through each step of the path in the correct way before you reach higher truths that later contradict the earlier discoveries. You must realize that you are nothing before you realize everything.

In short, all of your logic and reasoning will not get you enlightened. It will create an idea on your head that you are enlightened. The ONLY thing that brings about enlightenment are hardcore practices including kriya yoga, self enquiry, hardcore dedication, contemplation with journal, look at your hand, SDS's, do nothing, vepassana and looooong psychedelic retreats (ideally with technique combo's and extremely powerful psychedelics that are administered in strategic ways). 

How far have your practises come?

Have you started your 10 day long non-stop kriya/SDS combo 5meo retreat yet? while fasting the whole time?

Edited by Aaron p

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When you get WOKE, your 'universe' dies with you.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Someone I worked with discovered he’d rather be right about his beliefs, than free of them, because it meant experiencing his karma. He believed ‘owning up’ to the fallout from his misunderstandings / beliefs would be painful, so he was choosing the lessor of two sufferings. He was inspired & addressed it head on nonetheless, via forgiveness of others & himself, and apologizing to others & himself, and to his surprise none of it went how he thought it would, and he was liberated in love. He’d never done psychedelics, never even meditated. He did spend a lot of time in the woods alone when he was much younger, hunting.

In a hindsight way, he said the moment he realized he gave & received the love he had previously reserved and withheld, he saw through his belief of death, and the duality of self & other. He also said he naturally transcended a paradox, as he let go of a belief ‘there is not other’, a belief which he had wrote his own relationships off with, thus realizing love was always the bond at play, that it was all for him the whole time. He believed people were ignorant psychologically speaking, but realized he was ignoring his own acceptance & receiving of the actuality of the miracle that is his life. 



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18 hours ago, heretohelp said:

I appreciate your responses @Aaron p @traveler


@Pacific Sage "Connect our higher consciousness to collective consciousnesses".

I understand what you mean but doesn't collective consciousness = my/your consciousness so "Observing the major events like Covid-19 makes me feel like the collective consciousness is vibing low, of course this just could be an effect of causes" - but that's just a reflection of my/your consciousness? No?

When I look at the people around me, my friends and my family, I see that my mom has a different reaction to this Covid-19 episode and my friends have other concerns over it and they are reacting differently and comparing all these experiences to mine I see that I am reacting to it differently personally. 

Over time and reincarnation I believe that I am everyone but given at this present moment, I see that there are mixed reactions and mixed levels of consciousness at the moment. I also witness a lot of suffering around so that might also trigger low consciousness if not reacted from a place of love to it.

I am too still figuring out how collective consciousness might exactly function.


"Also I feel, if one decides to live in the world of distractions and not in a perment life like in Vipassana retreats (yogis in isolation), then universe will throw a whole lot of curve balls in life, it's kind of pretty guaranteed deal." 

Interesting you feel that way. I struggle to grapple with this one. I've spent months living at Vipassana retreats as well as camping/meditating in isolation for weeks, completely removed from the world of distractions, and found in some sense it's "too easy". It's too easy to be conscious in these environments. If you want to see if your really aware, try to be aware when you boss is shouting at you or when your 39km in during a marathon. Ahh then it's gets hard.

Ahhhh absolutely on point with this one, When my dad gets on my nerves it used to be difficult to find the eye of the storm. I am getting better at it, it's been a while since I have been facing this. I recognise this because my dad is my enlightenment teacher, he triggers me quite a bit and it's easier to handle if I don't get triggered.

If it's a strong and different experience, I might take a little longer to get to the present moment and view it from a perspective where I am more relaxed. 

I think one can call himself quite woke if nothing shook him/her. It's quite a state to reach. Equanimous all around and inside.


I left these environments because i realised i'm not providing any service to the society and was willing to 'give up' some of my peace to make a difference in society through my work. Perhaps that was a mistake and my ego wanting to be distracted and i hadn't understood that the best service to the universe and 'others' is to become more conscious. Or maybe those people who isolate themselves completely and provide no physical service to society (and just focus on becoming more aware) are really the self-centered ones? What do you think?

I am on the same page with you at the moment, trying to be with society and make a difference. I am "too deep" in this already with my attachments?

Maybe people who isolate themselves completely have a role to play too by just vibing higher and elevating the collective consciousness. I still feel isolating oneself and then self actualizing is much tougher when compared to having a life in society.




Edited by Pacific Sage
Grammar and some additions

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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Yes, your entire universe. There are infinite universes for the infinite 'viewpoints' in consciousness to experience itself. The deeper you go within yourself, the greater you realize your the only one that's ever been.

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