
Believing That You Know

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10 minutes ago, Corte said:

*Mal drops non existent mic and walks off into nothingness* 


Mal jumps off the soap box, drops the megaphone and walks off into nothingness xD

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@Mal Honestly you are hijacking this forum post. Not because of your unique opinions, that's fine, but your negativity is making this post seem like an endless moronic fight. You have no fucking right to be telling people whether or not there opinions have a place here on my post, either respond like an adult or just leave.

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Just now, MarkusR said:

@Mal Honestly you are hijacking this forum post. Not because of your unique opinions, that's fine, but your negativity is making this post seem like an endless moronic fight. You have no fucking right to be telling people whether or not there opinions have a place here on my post, either respond like an adult or just leave.

Look at you trying to control what people say and don't say. This is the stuff you're projecting from the beginning. 

Give someone enough rope and they hang themselves.


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11 minutes ago, MarkusR said:

@Mal Honestly you are hijacking this forum post. Not because of your unique opinions, that's fine, but your negativity is making this post seem like an endless moronic fight. You have no fucking right to be telling people whether or not there opinions have a place here on my post, either respond like an adult or just leave.

And... negativity? I'm actually laughing! This is a walk in the park for me! I'm not aware of any negativity.  I'm just glad I've got the opportunity to flex my conversational muscles with a worthy adversary (s).

For me there is no negativity when I don't listen to my dualistic thoughts.  There is just "this" :)



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@Mal Immmm.... OK. You think I'm religious. And I can see that you think harshly about religions. You think I'm trying to get you into something. Also you maybe thinking I'm acting shit. But all I was saying was to have some compassion for others and not to ignore things. I'm not telling to do anything because some "human" is going to judge you so. -_- The "care" I'm talking about is totally different from being afraid of what people are going to say. It is just wanting to see everything is doing well and nobody is getting hurt. Well... I'm off. I'm guessing how old you are now. Read with some positive mindset a bit. :) Good luck.

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4 minutes ago, Khin said:

@Mal Immmm.... OK. You think I'm religious. And I can see that you think harshly about religions. You think I'm trying to get you into something. Also you maybe thinking I'm acting shit. But all I was saying was to have some compassion for others and not to ignore things. I'm not telling to do anything because some "human" is going to judge you so. -_- The "care" I'm talking about is totally different from being afraid of what people are going to say. It is just wanting to see everything is doing well and nobody is getting hurt. Well... I'm off. I'm guessing how old you are now. Read with some positive mindset a bit. :) Good luck.

I don't think you are religious. I see you are moralistic though. Why do you imagine I think "harshly" about anything? I'm talking about the differences between paths and enlightenment.  You don't know what my personal views about paths and religion actually are.  This is all made up in your head. 

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@Mal You are completely mistaken, you arent flexing any conversation muscles at all. You are actually terrible at conversation, you implement false intentions onto people when there are none. There is no progression, no conclusion, a conversation should progress and develop not clash and cause someone to quit talking to you. A conversation should hold value from both parties, do you understand that? Or do you think you are the only person that can bring value to the conversation so you just disregard everyone else's thoughts hastily and aggressively.

I urge you to read this response, evaluate why two people literally quit midway into a conversation with you, and respond critically if you will and like an adult. Maybe we can finally get somewhere, and maybe you may contribute something actually valuable instead of mindless childlike aggression.

@Quizzer Hey I also thought charlie2dogs may fit in this category, but if you read his responses to this post they have been very enlightening and I think he is a prime example of a more experienced member sharing knowledge positively and in a manner easy to receive.

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@Mal Oh.. You don't! Great... I'm glad. :) Read carefully. I am not saying it in a way of good and bad or right and wrong. Every little things we do will lead us to somewhere. That is why we should be careful when we do things. Not because of we are afraid of something. Not because of we are afraid of we are going to jail or hell, it's because we understand the cause and effect nature. By caring what we do is like caring ourselves not to stray away from our path. Like Leo said, nothing is right and wrong. But there are consequences. I don't do things because I want compliment from others. I just do it because I want to. Even when I write this post I write with care so that at least one person who read this can benefit from my words.

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1 minute ago, MarkusR said:

@Mal You are completely mistaken, you arent flexing any conversation muscles at all. You are actually terrible at conversation, you implement false intentions onto people when there are none. There is no progression, no conclusion, a conversation should progress and develop not clash and cause someone to quit talking to you. A conversation should hold value from both parties, do you understand that? Or do you think you are the only person that can bring value to the conversation so you just disregard everyone else's thoughts hastily and aggressively.

I urge you to read this response, evaluate why two people literally quit midway into a conversation with you, and respond critically if you will and like an adult. Maybe we can finally get somewhere, and maybe you may contribute something actually valuable instead of mindless childlike aggression.

@Quizzer Hey I also thought charlie2dogs may fit in this category, but if you read his responses to this post they have been very enlightening and I think he is a prime example of a more experienced member sharing knowledge positively and in a manner easy to receive.

Markus. That's your aggressive conscience right there. It's not you, it's something you inherited. 

This is what I'm talking about. You are demonstrating how an unconscious human being tries to control and shame by playing the supremacy game.  It's collective and it's showing your immaturity and where you are at with your development. 

I have the same going on, so my shit doesn't smell any sweeter than yours, we share the same shadow material.  The difference is I can see mine.:)

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4 minutes ago, Khin said:

@Mal Oh.. You don't! Great... I'm glad. :) Read carefully. I am not saying it in a way of good and bad or right and wrong. Every little things we do will lead us to somewhere. That is why we should be careful when we do things. Not because of we are afraid of something. Not because of we are afraid of we are going to jail or hell, it's because we understand the cause and effect nature. By caring what we do is like caring ourselves not to stray away from our path. Like Leo said, nothing is right and wrong. But there are consequences. I don't do things because I want compliment from others. I just do it because I want to. Even when I write this post I write with care so that at least one person who read this can benefit from my words.

You're suggesting that you know the consequences of my life over this forum? 

I already told you that I adopted your stance and it did nothing for me. As soon as I ditched it I started to awaken.

You're pretending to know what my life situation is.  That's pretty delusional you know that don't you?

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@Mal Alright.. Great.. :D I'm REALLY OFF this time.. Good luck with everything man.

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@Mal Sure... but you just proved my point right there.

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Just now, MarkusR said:

@Mal Sure... but you just proved my point right there.

And your point is? :)

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1 minute ago, MarkusR said:

@Mal You're a terrible conversationalist.

By whos standards? 

And what kind of conversation are you after? To me it looks like you're baiting and then telling me what should be, when reality is staring you in the face, yet you ignore it and disappear into your imagination.

Do you think this is good grounds for a reasonable conversation? Throwing moralistic shit and then ignoring reality?

And what makes you think I don't have pretty decent conversation other times with more reasonable and less moralizing and shit throwing people?

How do you know anything? All you have done is throw crap, tell me what I should be doing, and making assumptions about me and my life. 

If I wasn't so entertained I'd be off talking to someone else because they are more fun. But you are providing the joke here, so I'm all ears, waiting for you to start to live by your own introjected societal standards of maturity and exhilarating conversation.

Be my guest :)

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@Mal My only mistake was responding to you, so I guess you win if you think this is a game. *congrats*

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2 minutes ago, MarkusR said:

@Mal My only mistake was responding to you, so I guess you win if you think this is a game. *congrats*

It's no game. Your mistake was getting on your high horse in the beginning and then assuming that you could get away with slandering me. 

I don't talk to people who project their own shadow aspects onto me.  I give you back what you put out.  It's really that simple. 

Do you really think I am here to explain my actions to you?  Some nobody on the internet who I've never even spoke to before? 

Get real

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4 minutes ago, MarkusR said:

@Mal I don't actually care

The truth comes out at last. 

Thank you for your honesty. 

Now, for the second and last time, leave me alone. 

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