
Deconstruction has lead me to no spiral dynamics stage preference

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Wanted to share something interesting.

all of the spiral dynamics stages now feel baseless. Feel grounded in nothing. The preference for 1 stage over the other, or for things that a stage supported over the other stage, came from valuing the core elements or essential source of what that stage represented. Stage blue for example, has lots of loyalty for a particular group over another, and a deep respect for that group. Those features emanate from a blue essential source or core element. If you're a blue oriented person, you will feel a strong passion or beauty for the features of blue (loyalty, respect, etc). That passion is what makes you prefer blue over other colours. That's what I call the essential source or core element of blue, its that passion for the features of blue. That passion feels like a ground or solid base for your world. It distorts the relative value of all other features from other stages. Same thing with orange, you can feel a sort of grounded passion for certain features of orange. With green, you may have a passion for saving the environment, and that passion makes you view other features of different stages as being bad or you may have a bit of disgust towards it. The passion is so overwhelming that all other features from other stages get washed away, or treated as foreign.

I had the experience that the entire universe is essentially groundless. There's really no ground to anything. There's no ground to your feelings, no ground to the chakra system, meditation techniques. The world is all very empty. Its like a completely empty jug. There's no substance to absolutely anything.

And that's quite a full circle sort of feeling, because its like you're back to square 1, back to where you were before constructing anything.

And this gels well with the spiral dynamic stages. All of those essential sources, or core elements, of each spiral dynamics stage, is essentially groundless. 

It feels like you're back to a blank canvas, back to where you were before having preferences for any spiral dynamics stage. You went full circle and are now back at the beginning. What spiral dynamics stage you prefer is really what essential source or core element you choose to create and value. There's nothing fundamental about the universe (apart from consciousness). Whether you're blue or orange, just depends on the way you've constructed your reality. There's no construction that's universal or better than the other construction. They are all just different structures, like different sculptures. Each spiritual path is not better than the other, as everything is groundless, but just different and beautiful in their own way. The chakra system, for example, is completely groundless.

You constructed beauty, but you also constructed ugliness in your construction. The ugliness is like the ugly parts of a sculpture you created. This could be suffering, neurotic behaviours, dysfunctional behaviours, obesity, etc. And so to fix these, you created other constructs to balance them out or repair them, but these were also groundless, so you essentially fixed nothing, but you fooled yourself into believing you did. And within your groundless structure, you did. That's essentially what the chakra system is. 

And while each structure is groundless, its still possible to make different levels of beauty in those structures. Within the structure, each component means something relative to the other components, and by combining them in certain ways, you can build beautiful things.

Edited by electroBeam

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at first u were doing great but at the end u regressed i mean in the last paragraph u returned back to late green or early yellow

but any way duh!

welcome to turquoise haha

Edited by The observer

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Lol I knew the chakra comment was gonna piss some people off. hahahaha. Why I put it in there tbh :ph34r:

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Spiral Dynamics is not a preference, sounds like youre at Yellow/Turquoise (if youre really being honest in your post)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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6 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@Rilles it is, otherwise why are you trying to rise to turquoise?

You didnt choose your values, circumstances pushed them on you. Otherwise Kim Jong could prefer to become a hippie. Turquoise and Green share alot of values but im not trying to "get there" I dont know even know what its like "there".

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Lol I knew the chakra comment was gonna piss some people off. hahahaha. Why I put it in there tbh :ph34r:

i wasnt implying the chakras part just the final paragraph of the post

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5 minutes ago, The observer said:

i wasnt implying the chakras part just the final paragraph of the post


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