
How are you weird?

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I believe in things that 99% of society (and this forum) do not. I embrace "weird". 

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - J. Krishnamurti

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7 hours ago, VerballyHazardous said:

I think the hentai showed me that i didn't love my body enough (the character was being belittled by her size), so the whole crying thing is just me saying sorry to myself. That also lead to me losing interest in 99℅ of porn, i am officially immune to bobs and vegenes.

Regarding guro, i see it as a sexual fetish. Don't go to gurochan, you'd definitely regret it this time (this is not me using reverse psychology, please consider this for your own well being, the entire website is a bad trip)

@VerballyHazardous  Do you think these fetishes as you call them could tell you something about your subconscious mind? In my experience, it's something worth exploring. 

7 hours ago, VerballyHazardous said:

My realization of love made me drop a lot of my judgements toward myself, and that include my "weirdnesses", so no regrets. Depression seemlessly go out of my life ever since, i still experience depressing/suicidal thoughts but that's just me cleansing myself of emotional baggages. My need to touch people is stronger but also tamer after that "awakening", plz cuddle :3

I didn't smile because i was taught that not smiling is cool and macho. Now i know why i was so disfunctional.

@VerballyHazardous  I get a warm feeling from reading this <3 Beautiful. Have you figured out why you feel like touching people? 

7 hours ago, Keyhole said:

I don't know, I don't keep track.
I always felt self conscious about being weird but am finding that other people are weird, too, so it's okay.
Still haven't fully embraced my freak flag yet, but maybe someday.

Hello fellow weirdos. :x

@Keyhole  Hello there. Reading this, I remembered one of my observations - I would define myself as a weird person from the time I first started thinking that if I were to share something, it could have some possibly unpleasant circumstances. (in this case spirituality and being diagnosed insane) But when I share this with more and more people and keep being accepted, I feel less weird, but many people around consider me weird and I cannot really count on them understanding me everytime, so I have to listen more often than I talk. I also don't feel like any more acceptance is actually helping me, it's become a kind of compulsion. Therefore, I might not consider myself weird or not weird, but this still influences my life experience.

7 hours ago, DivineSoda said:

I believe in things that 99% of society (and this forum) do not. I embrace "weird". 

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - J. Krishnamurti

@DivineSoda  What do you believe?

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@bejapuskas @bejapuskas

16 hours ago, modmyth said:




16 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Maybe this fetish comes from my love for human atonomy, it's kind of like seeing a car demolition derby plus the erotic side. Seeing the human body getting destroyed in specific ways and how it react to it really make my pants feels tight (i don't want to hurt anybody, this is just a wild fantasy)

My thirst for physical touch might comes from the lack of love recieved during my childhood. I really want a cuddly girlfriend lol :x

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@VerballyHazardous  I thought it might be because you consider your anatomy to be somehow „broken“, therefore you enjoy seeing other individuals with broken anatomies being „accepted“. Could it be that? I am just guessing. Nah, I don't think you are dangerous because of this... :)

Are there any other people who feel touchy? Do you guys sometimes have an intuition to touch someone in a particular way, maybe @Keyhole ?

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10 hours ago, Keyhole said:

I don't know, I don't keep track.
I always felt self conscious about being weird but am finding that other people are weird, too, so it's okay.
Still haven't fully embraced my freak flag yet, but maybe someday.

Hello fellow weirdos. :x

haha no offence but i think cat pics (or idk what that is tbh) are a little weird 

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It's always the normalness/sanity being freaked out that it's going abnormal/insane. You are always You. <3

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