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i have a thing to confess here,no b.s!!

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hello people

how everyone is doing ,ok? .. i hope so 

so i just have another one of these revelation-dreams,this time it hits me in the balls ,the imaginary balls of my brains ;here is how everything occur...

i basically read the actualized. org forum and research about leo's life in the internet during half of my day (21/04/2020),after that i jump into bed and have a 'nice one',a good profund sleep with a dream,in that dream i basically i took a book,a real book ,in that book its tell about basically ALL of what leo says in the hundreds of videos,in the forum,etc etc with details and detais... ,so the book was actually some kind of masterplan about ALL of what is,just resumed in one single book(KNOWLEDGE CONDENSED) im my mind,and i read it .. and read it .. and i stopped on page 7,and what i have to say by now is just this ; HOLY MOTHERFUCKING MOTHER OF CHRIST SHITTT !!!!!!!!! (IM ALMOST IN TEARS RIGHT NOW),i started to research bout leo you know.. and its critics also,but the major of leo's critiques is formed by rationalists-materialists and evangelicals,so i jumped into one ortodox-christian guy who reviews the video in witch leo had a sudden awakening .. and he started to review leo's point of view with nasty jokes and biases remarks ..and you know .. is just what sigmund freud says..

" if a talks about b i know much more about a then the b'' .. and that you can know much more about one person with another persons p.o.v then if you listen the person itself

your name is leo gura ..but for me is actually.. leo the guru you know,cos you have been my guru in this ''internet cave'' since years from now,and now a finally feel that i need to walk with my own legs out of this cave to ''outside'' in the ''real world'' ,so here's what im going to do going to save this topic just for my own record and im going to step back from the forum and from the videos for a while ..30 ..60 maybe 90 days ,,i fell like i need to breathe in the nature's air ,see other things ,explore more other things ,and etc,but i will be back someday in the future since the content is priceless

MY PERSONAL''im leaving to pursuit healing &awakening'' moment has finally come ...

thanks for the lessons teacher,i finally got it what you have been talking about so much in this forum and the videos...about the ego..etc


 from São Paulo,Brasil, with love ..


Leo Gura .. the guy is REAL DEAL

Edited by Verdesbird

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thats it .. im gonna stop watch people that criticize leos job,all that i find was stage blue thinkers like this one 



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