Hey everyone,
The last few days on here haven't been exactly all about loving life and embracing life post-awakening, I saw a recent post by Leo about falling in love with life and finding passions outside of Spirituality/ Consciousness Work/ Reality etc
When seeking it's easy to drop ALL hobbies and outside interests, sometimes even necessary for a while. Just like when starting a new business or relationship that tends to take centre stage for a while, however, I feel Passion is such a valuable thing to develop in life, learning to love life and cultivating your passion for interests and hobbies and even your career is like having the key to a never-ending road to bliss, happiness, and joy!
So, this is all about discussing our passions with each other, and potentially helping others find their own passion and love for LIFE!
Life is so fucking beautiful and amazing and everyone deserves to experience an amazing and passion-filled life!
And, before we start I'm of course not saying don't have a passion for Awakening/Spirituality etc, however, your seeking journey will come to an end eventually (hopefully) of course integration and living the understanding goes on forever, but I know many of us don't want to just become monks or stare at a wall forever, and many of us are already in love with life, so this is all about sharing and cultivating that love for life! In my experience, awakening has only deepened my love for life and my own passions.
One last thing- Of course a passion for truth and awakening is fucking amazing, it allows us to find out the truth of our own being, and discover the absolute happiness and peace inherent in this and WAYY more, so just want to make it clear I'm not for one second saying stop spirituality or anything like that!
Anyways these are some of my passions-
Sport- Ever since I was young I LOVED sport, I remember day after day just going out and playing football for hours and hours on end, it was my first love! (Outside of junk food, I still managed to be a fat kid lol) I still love football more than ever to do this day and watch every Liverpool game every weekend, although now I play a lot more cricket, every Saturday and Sunday in summer for 4 months, it's amazing! It's also incredibly social after the games which is an added bonus, and it's a great community to be a part of. Also, when I do play PS4 it tends to only be Fifa or sports games lol, I guess I'm pretty weird like that.
Business/ Sales- I've always wanted to run my own business, however when I got interested in spirituality I thought they were mutually exclusive. How wrong I was! Simply it meant evolving my business to come from a place of love and focus firstly on serving the customer and making them happy, not solely on money. Fusing spirituality with business has been one of my greatest joys and I wake up and get excited to work every single day right now, it's so fun! Most people find it weird that I actually like writing copy and running ads, but we're all different I guess.
Health/ Fitness (Feeling AMAZING) - Acne was what got me truly into health and fitness, my spots were terrible. It led me to going Vegan and in the last year my research and knowledge has deepened so much, and there is still endless amounts to learn in this domain of life. I LOVE learning new things that improve my health and naturally make me feel amazing, it is just such a great interest of mine, and I will forever be a student of health! I guess personal development falls under this category as well which I love!
I also LOVE helping people in any way I can, so if they are unhealthy help them sort their diet out, or if they want to play sport help them get started, or if their business is struggling help them there etc, it gives a feeling like no other
I'd say these are my main 3. I love to do other things such as hang out with GF/ Friends/ Family, Listen to music, go partying/ raving occasionally, watch incredible TV shows/ Movies etc, but I'm not sure it's fair to call things like that a passion, more just enjoyable things I like to do from time to time.
So what are all your guys passions in life, and if you don't have any explain why and I'm sure we can help cultivate that love for life that is longing to be expressed!