
Passion- What are your passions in life? (Life is AMAZING!)

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@gswva Dont limit yourself, you can create whatever the fuck you want.

Remember you are literally infinite awareness, and you have that “power” behind you to do and create whatever you put your mind and dedication towards, so you can create something magnificent and brilliance, go and do it! 

Never ever limit yourself, sure it may take work, but nothing fun was ever easy was it? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Nature, running, running in nature.

Not necessary in that order.


And also to Have a warm cup of coffee in London town in a rainy day ;)


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@AlphaAbundance Of course it’s all meaningless, but that’s precisely what completely frees us up to create the meaning and do what the fuck we want in this good old game of life. 

I know how you feel, I’ve been there man. 

Plus the more you go around saying it’s all meaningless it becomes a relative belief, which doesn’t help anyone. 

Yes, absolutely speaking nothing matters whatsoever,  however, when we play a game or are doing something we Act as if something matters, as there’s literally no point in doing it if we don’t. 

Like say we’re building a bed, it doesn’t matter whether it’s put up properly or just slapped up and will break absolutely , however, relatively of course you would rather a bed that is comfortable and stable right? 

Same with all these activities, they don’t absolutely matter, nothing does! 

However, when you awaken to love out of this early stage of awakening/ seeking , your passion and love for life comes back simply for the fun of it. You play basketball because you want to and because it’s fun and you love it, it’s that simple. 

Things can seem hard when you realise it’s all meaningless, but I promise it’s the greatest gift of all! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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8 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@electroBeam  Awesome man, do you know your Enneagram type by any chance? You sound like a Type 5 to me, very intellectual, practical and efficient (minimalist), I wish you the best!

wow, I never really liked personality tests because of how inaccurate/non descriptive they were, but that one seems to be right on the mark!

My ex girlfriend would always have this obsession with needing to feel loved. She loved dogs because dogs gave her love, and she was a teacher and she would always always talk about how she loves her job because this kid and that kid gave her love and said nice things about her.

Anyway, I thought she just had a mental or psychological disorder from acting this way because it was weird as fuck to me. I prefer to be a hermit and stay locked in my room so I didn't get it, but there she is! Perfectly described in type 2!

Yes 5 resonates with me very well. 

Edited by electroBeam

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8 hours ago, Meta-Man said:


I enjoy playing football/ball games and exercising. Also like fashion (my kinda fashion) and interior/exterior design. Listening to music and dancing. But it’s not something I would day I’m deeply passionate about anymore as some concentrated form of interest.

Football, bodybuilding and sex used to be my entire life, lol.

Drawing is way superior to football 

Beaten publicly in 5 . 4 . .. 3 ... 2..... 1 ?

Remind how my little brother (half brother) try to sell me football and me telling him to grow up and do art.

My devil inside is so happy that all sport is cancel this year.

At 17 my whole classmates hated me cause I told them loudly that football is pure chimpery. And I m good at sport. Swimming martial art.

Problem with football is it was always the most stupid people who enjoyed it. And though I m not really anti football or team sport. But boring people Always played it. And I m very individual (intp). League of legend years ago teach me team play and nuance of it.

I Always hated 'group thinking' mostly related. All that religious thing was my hate still is. Individuated people are my crush. 

Not bashing here talking relative view of the past. It's not football the problem but the whole low consciousness structure behind. The hives bee mindset...

Today I see things with more nuance. Respect and understanding. Messi is Indeed legendary.

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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My passions are several and I hop from one to another like a butterfly. 

Where to begin. 

As a kid I used to write long essays, play badminton, chess, play the guitar etc. 

Now my passions have diversified 

I enjoy



Painting and arts 


Studying psychology 

I love camping and collecting and selling camping material 

Writing fictional stories 


Self actualization work, meditation 

I love making memes, gifs 

I like putting images together to describe a story 

Brainstorming with my friends 

Listening to music. 

I also like making crafts when I have enough time 

I have a huge interest for recycling material and putting them to use. I don't throw used things. I make something out of it and use it in different ways. 

I also have interest in paranormal mysteries and ghost hunting. Maybe I'll try that some day.. 

I did stamp collection as a kid. 

And witchcraft which has been my latest interest and passion for life. 

Gardening and Farming 

I also have a passion for psychedelics.. Currently I do ayahuasca. But I plan on doing 5-MeO Dmt and weed. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@electroBeam yeah man I never paid interest until my teacher said I think you’re a 7 and basically described my life in a nutshell the first time I met her lol, I’m pretty sure the Enneaegram is an ancient teaching, I’m not sure where it originates. 

I’d recommend studying it, I am now and it can really help you understand people in relationships and be great for how you manage employees and talk to co workers etc, when you understand what makes someone tick you can really begin to understand them. 

Yeah your GF sounds like a 2 haha, did she also love people pleasing? 

@GodDesireOnlyLove Yep, it’s a lot better now. 

But, my dad used to tell me back in the 80s football was all about hooliganism and fighting, very stage red, that’s more under control now. 

The game itself is a beautiful art, the culture around most of it not so much right now, but it’s simply a reflection of society! 

@Preety_India That sounds like an awesome varied life, do you plan on mastering any? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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1 minute ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

That sounds like an awesome varied life, do you plan on mastering any? 

That's a good question. 

Yes I do. I'm not sure which one.. And I get bored too quickly. 

It will take a long time for me to fully explore and settle for something I really want. I'm still in the "not sure what I wanna do" category of life. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Leo Gura what’s your passions outside of 5MEO and spirituality these days?? ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Meta-Man You summarised it perfectly. 

Same with most things in a stage Blue/ Orange society, in their essence they are brilliant, culture around them not so much! 

I still care if Liverpool win, however, am I going to get into a fight with a United fan? No, of course not. More likely to have some friendly banter, enjoy the game, and then have a beer after and carry on with life, no matter the result. 

Francis Lucille talks about tennis in a similar way. To paraphrase:

”of course when I play, I want to win and give my all to win every game I play, however if I lose that is okay with me. I will be happy either way, because my happiness is not dependent on anything. “ 

Thats what happened with me, I didn’t used to be okay with losing and would be moody for days. Now you accept whatever happens and move on, people will think your crazy for not being annoyed and angry for hours on end! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 Yes, this is definitely one of the most practical teaching of spirituality. Form isn't grounded on any kind of rule whatsoever. Everything is possible with sufficient power of love, aside from catching yourself perhaps. The path might be hard or counter-intuitive, but it's always there. Thank you for trying to cheer me up, I'm not giving up on fun.

@GodDesireOnlyLove I'm on the extreme spectrum of introverted abstract thinkers (INTJ) but it's probably a good idea to not categorize ourselves as antisocial just because our thoughts focus on themselves. It's not always related. As you said, only the devil looks for traits allowing itself to identify as superior, or at least different. It's not a bad thing, but "hivemind bees" with thin ego don't invariably deserve to be called stupid or to be avoided. Intelligence is a subjective multidimensional field from which it's impossible to get a definitive linear rating of the people around you. They are all pure beings of Love anyway. :)

I too used to believe some branch of creation were more meaningful than others. Finally it all comes down to personal preferences, some minds enjoy specialization and competitive optimization within structures, while others will be driven by infinite expansion. This isn't some hard split and most things are a bit of both, but I see it that way.


Edited by gswva

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@gswva I m already aware of it mate, but I find relevant to be relatively judgemental after accepting this absolute relativism.

it's not because "ape war" is a reality that I should love it, it's not because people like to throw shit at each others that I should accept it as ok.

it's part of the game to hate low consciousness and ignorance. Not ad hominem. Meaning I hate the limited beliefs or 'low consciousness'. if you want to take the side of "no bias" maybe in itself that is a bias.

I love my own bias you know. I understand, doesn't mean I accept it. Wisdom has It's own objective limit.

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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@Meta-Man You got there before me, you sneaky devil as Leo would say. 

But seriously, you said it perfectly. 

A game like Football or Badminton or Whatever isn’t simply low conscious or high conscious, it’s a game. 

And, in its pure sense these games are played (originally) as an expression of love for the game and for enjoyment one gets from playing. What could be more conscious than doing something for the love of doing it? 

The way the system has been corrupted is another matter, but commercial music has been corrupted into a drive the artist to contemplate death we work them so hard mentality, does that mean all music is “low consciousness” of course not! 

These industries will become “more conscious” as society does, doesn’t mean we can’t play/ watch sport consciously, or create/ listen to amazing music. 

it’s easy to remember 0.01% of the world give a fuck about truth and spirituality, sadly. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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There are so many things I love and are interested in that sometimes it can almost be too much xD After I started my economics studies I found out that I'm just as much interested in psychology and how the inner world works. So now I'm exploring new sides within economics which integrates peoples psychology and different development stages through spiral dynamics and models as such. I've also become very interested in coaching and a part of me is considering to try to pursue that domain.

Also, I play a lot of golf, and after being inside playing on simulators for the winter we're finally able to play outside and it just feels AMAZING :D To hit the ball with a perfect stroke and see the ball fly with a small draw is just the best feeling in the world! ( yes, better than sex).


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@LfcCharlie4 Love this thread!

For me, recently its been reading. I read like 24/7 now in the quarantine. Books from Leo's booklist, biographies, health related, etc.

Also I love working on my health. I've recently discovered Buteyko breathing which has basically the same effects as yogic breathing, but measurable in a scientific manner. Supposedly its possible to get to "super-health" where one sleeps 2-4 hours per night and feels amazing the whole day.

I also eventually hope to start riding a bike and going on long tours. I used to always ride when I was a kid during summers, so I will rekindle that passion!

Probably also some movement type like BJJ or dancing, something to feel my body.

Edited by Jj13

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