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Awakend Society not possible

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I was thinking what Leo said about his encounter of maha samadhi and his point of view, that everyone is already awake in a sense, and if he had gone there he was going to merge with everything and take everything with him at list in his perseption and that one part of him wanted to go there, and I experienced some sad emotions, because if in a point of view of an awakend this is the case, why try to help in the development of the world? I was thinking an awakened society, redusing stress, redusing pain, doing conscious work collectivly. If everyone got to this point, how do we know that not everyone would want to merge forever? And I was thinking that if enlightenment has room for society after all, and I dont know if I am attached to this idea in some sence but it seem kind of limited to me not to have room for society, I dont know I am confused. I am thinking that ok the first step help raise consiousness in a lot of domains, then help awake the world maybe it will happen maybe not, who knows but lets say after that, then what, if everyone is just ok of doing nothing how this will be helpfull in the society, I just try to see the bigger picture of this and I cant. 

Edited by Slifon

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Don't worry too much about awakening society right now. What's most important is that you can create the type of life that you want for yourself. 

The content Leo shares in his recent videos is a lot to wrap one's mind around. It requires a certain type of nuanced thinking that is difficult to develop.

If I am to say one thing, it is this:


Work on yourself. Raise your own consciousness. When you awaken. The world awakens with you :)

and it's beautiful.


Edited by Adam M

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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