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Different Dimensions of Awakening. Is Love really ALL?

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Hi, I'm new here. My response to Leo's Outrageous Consciousness Experiment. 

On 02:01:00 Leo said he is done with 5meo-dmt for good. Is it really so? I hope not. 

I was really struck by what he explained afterwards. He talked about 'A 2nd Dimension of Awakening'. It can not be described, imagined nor talked about. That's vertiginous. After an hour and a half describing a constantly increasing awakening of infinite love there he comes with another dimension of awakening that goes even deeper and then another one and another one and so on. That truly conveys a sense of infinity.

After arriving at the peak of his infinite experience Leo realized once again in the most profound way that Love is All. He then dazed off in a corner covered in a blanket while being frail and scared (in my imagination). There he made his realisation of other dimensions of awakening. 

So my question is the following: Taking into consideration those different dimension of awakening, do you guys think that there is something that goes even beyond Love?  

(Other things I was wondering were: How are Infinity and Love linked? Is there a difference between Love and Infinity? Or is one a attribute of the other e.g Infinity is a caracteristic of Love OR are they independent?)

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It doesn't go beyond Love. It's just more aspects of Love.

You can't go beyond Love. Love is Infinity.

Your awakenings won't contradict each other, they will just blossom and grow deeper and wider. You transcend each earlier awakening by including it in your later awakening.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Zenrool  There's nothing that goes beyond anything else, there's just what's happening. Of course the mind creates all kinds of stories ❤

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"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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8 hours ago, Zenrool said:

do you guys think that there is something that goes even beyond Love?  

That you could ask this is the very evidence that nothing is beyond love. 



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