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How to start an ideological movement

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How to start an ideological movement

1. Identify a marginilsed group of society or point out how a group is being marginilsed. Group can be any set of people that have at least one commonality

2. Create a story around this group, why they're important, how theyre being shutdown, how they're being unfairly treated, how other groups are being treated better. Can include past history of others being treated how your group is being treated. Look for studies that could back up your story but be sure to exclude those that contradict your message. Stretch truth or create truths that could be difficult to disprove. 

3. Create the enemy. Find an opposing group whose beliefs directly contridict yours, point out the most exaggerated section of this group, the ones that look crazy and use them as examples of that group. You may also want to create boogeymen who is the absolute extreme of this group and deomonise them. Make it seem as though everything would be fine if they weren't there. 

4. Recruit your group using exaggerated stories about your opposing group but also use the story created in point 2. Explain how you're good people and misunderstood, you only want fairness. Use YouTube and social media to get to your people and blame mainstream for not allowing you to have a voice. 

5. Set up marches, protests, anything you can think of to get people energised. Once they are they will start trying to get other people into it and it will catch steam 

6. If you really get going you may get supporters with a bit of money, if this happens get them to invest in documentaries that frame your plight and mix truth with opinion. You may also be able to push into politics. Any backlash you get just accuse them of not caring about your issues 


Once you've completed these steps your group will be ready to take on society ??

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Wow. If only there were good things to use this for, maybe we can start a self-actualizer movement with this.


Edited by KamaZeen

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finaly a legit tutorial ! "how to cook"


"how to start a sect" YES !

ho crap everything with more than 2 people is a sect ! 

love this topic, nice work, and funny, I want to subscribe on your feed, I m already hungry for next recipe

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