Aaron p

Telepathy - Synchronization - Communication with God

8 posts in this topic

This will be a short list of a few of my experiences with telepathy, synchronization and communicating with the entity that we call God. 

I was raised Christian, Baptist, and then eventually Pentecostal and a preacher man I'd consider half mystic (Andrew Wommack) taught me how to hear God's voice from his YouTube series "How to hear God's voice" and it worked! Really fucking well. Recommend anyone to watch it.

Seeing Leo talk about downloading information from the Self, I instantly recognised that this was the same thing. Feeling into the field around you and pulling information from it. 

I've learned how to switch it on when I want now (a bit) but sometimes it surprises me. For instance about 2 or 3 weeks ago the word "telepathy" popped into my head, right before Leo shoots a video about telepathy and it never having entered my head before.

And this is how I actually knew to listen to leo, one day I seen his video and the voice clearly said (not audibly) "x marks the spot" and I knew straight away. It told me it would show me something that would blow me away and cure me of everything. It was powerful!!!


The voice also told me that it was going to change my name and offered me a last chance to take a different path right before I really began the consciousness work. Incredible. Ive also had instances where I was sitting with my friends and I instantly knew that one of the guys there was paying attention to me and seeing the truth in me telepathically without even looking at him. I didn't even say anything, it was so obvious that I just knew and kept it to myself!

This is a Christianization of what Leo talks about, but it's a handy conceptual map for understanding an important function. @Leo Gura would there be a possibility that you would consider shooting a video regarding "hearing God's voice" and listening to the intuition? This could be an extremely valuable resource for many. ?



Edited by Aaron p

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Let me have a materialist moment here.

Can you download from the Self the next Lottery numbers, please?


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That would be awesome haha

Edited by Aaron p

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@docs20 @docs20 most of the time it's extremely vague and clouded man, at least for me. I'd imagine that someone who's deeply enlightened would have a much easier time downloading specific information but I don't know. I have a feeling it's related, also, to the information you already know. 

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24 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

@docs20 @docs20 most of the time it's extremely vague and clouded man, at least for me. I'd imagine that someone who's deeply enlightened would have a much easier time downloading specific information but I don't know. I have a feeling it's related, also, to the information you already know. 


14 minutes ago, DreamScape said:

@docs20 maybe but if you're looking for it at the level of ego it isn't gonna work

I was being a bit provocative of course, but still somehow the question was there as Aaron p understood with the answer.

Having said that do you think that is trainable in a reasonable way? Like without having to dedicate 10 000 hours to it? It's really a fascinating topic to explore, I wonder what are the possibilities to reach that for the avarage human mind

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@docs20 im sure you can.. ideal, i have pretty good imagination so I can use consciousness to train my body. I've noticed that consciousness has helped me with about everything, in terms of navigating the world to even memorizing things. 

Spiritual ascension is gonna take time and there are no shortcuts. But, anything is possible. 

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3 hours ago, docs20 said:


I was being a bit provocative of course, but still somehow the question was there as Aaron p understood with the answer.

Having said that do you think that is trainable in a reasonable way? Like without having to dedicate 10 000 hours to it? It's really a fascinating topic to explore, I wonder what are the possibilities to reach that for the avarage human mind

@docs20 I guess man. Like anything, doing it makes you get better at it. Ive definitely gotten better at hearing it. Actually the voice told me that everyone hears it and that just don't recognize it. John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice..." Job 33:14 "...God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it." I have to sort of "convert" the...essence...into a voice to be able to recognise what it's pulling me towards. 


Sometimes I get it clear and I instantly recognise it. Sometimes it's more subtle. It's always very vague just. But that's how I knew to listen to leo. 

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