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Thoughts on the "Dark night of the soul"?

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 I found this quote by Ram Dass quite interesting. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences with this moment on the path?


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@Spence94 It sucks going through the phase of "the dark night of the soul", but once you go through it bliss comes


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@ivory I've long seen through the thin Vail of the illusory nature of the world, pleasure, materialism, comfort. The More I move in the world, the more i engage with life the stronger the sense of illusion becomes. The illusion of self becomes more apparent. Emphahsised as a byproduct of practice and the events of life that bash the ego. Ying and yang, order and chaos, ego grind and bliss. The dark night sounds like a significant ego death, followed by a breakthrough awakening. Plus, it sounds like the title of a blockbuster movie.

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I went through The Dark Knight of the Soul. It's a phase of depression where you can't find any meaning in life. You keep asking yourself what's the meaning of life and where can you find it. You just need to understand that life doesn't have to have meaning. You need to go beyond meaning and you don't need an explanation for that; you just have to be a witness to what's happening to you and after a while, it will pass. It's a phase of purification. Once you go beyond it, nothing can make you sad or depressed. You learn to accept things as they are. The mind wants to understand everything but it can't! Awareness can not be understood by the mind.

Edited by The Don
To add a few lines.

Me on the road less traveled.

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Reading this thread at what i suspect to be my last few moment of tdkots, cant know for sure ofc but im at The Point where i feel alot of bloss comming back, there is just a small residtance, a fear of how amazing im feeling, soon time for meditation. 

It, s been about 6 months of darkness, pain, fear, angesty but it is ofc worth it no dout about it. 

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