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Purpose of Reality

2 posts in this topic

But Leooooo!

Is there a purpose to reality other than the purpose you're attributing it to?

What can be the purpose of Reality other than Reality itself.

If you really want it to nail it down to a human purpose, I'm sure you can find something.

But you're creating that purpose.

Yeah, I'm sure it's love. And that is so abstract. That the human mind or just mind will find a million reasons to figure it's way around it.

But.. whatever happens is just love. More love, Less love, it only matters in your framework of love which you're creating by yourself in the process of understanding IT.

Uncondition Love or GOD's love is just iS - that is when you drop all those concepts and just BE.

And you start to limit when you start bring in the purpose, reason and the mind created concepts.

Which brings me to the point that - Can you play GOD

I'm sure all of us can play our version of our GOD (whie also keeping in my mind that all of this is imaginary)

GOD is the play itself.

Yes there are infinite ways of understanding and yet GOD is all of that and beyond that.

Embrace the mystery.

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