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Response to Leo's 30days experiment

1 post in this topic

Hi Leo,

Recently, came across your video on your 30day experiment. I could relate everything you spoke about even some of the experiences you spoke I just could feel it. It seems like God has put all of us here to realize true love, self-love and self-compassion and from there we radiate that light and love to the whole collective. If you would have gone further with proper guidance, you would definitely not die especially if you have more jeevasakthi or ojas. Saints in India have used similar tools like ganja, but they didn't entirely rely on ganja to achieve mahasamdhi, it's because they loved their self more and didn't want to destroy their divine power jeevasakthi through by implausible means. They practiced saha kalvi or saha kalai, which concentrates their jeeva sakthi to nishtai and samadhi, some people like ramalingam in vadalur Tamil nadu have dematerialized their body and many of the sadhus in forests. Most of then don't die even though they loose their physical body, their atma is spread everywhere, they can reincarnate as anything they wish and always radiate as god, love and light. To learn saha kalvi people give up their normal life and fully go into the depths of reality with massive courage. No physical guru or schools can teach this art, it's a lonely journey at first but people when realize the guiding force god they aren't alone. All those education is no more in this modern age since it all died with rishis and siddhas of the past. If people live the life of god of self-love and compassion that's exactly what upgrades the species and one become true human being. I am glad you spoke everything and I wish all to live this life. 




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