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Nak Khid

Is Love Acceptance?

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Depending on the kind of love you're talking about I'd say it cannot be defined as it is the carrier of all definitions. But it can be described. 

Love is self acceptance

Love is selflessness

Love is beauty

Love is freedom

Love is power

Love is Being

Love is whole

Love is what allows all that can be to be for it is unconditional and limitless.

If you insist on defining love then it is God. That's it.


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Note that when you are living fully in, and from, the here and now, and not  in the unreality of  mental projections,imaginations,thoughts/thought stories,there is automatic acceptance of everything as it is. There's no resistance and no effort or trying  to accept.
In this abidance of the thought free,ever present,timeless here and now,there is an all inclusive,non judgemental acceptance of the whole, as it is.
This is unity,oneness,unconditional love. :)

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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From which perspective are you asking this? 
Are you asking if love is the acceptance of the little me
Or are you asking if love is the acceptance of consciousness

Consciousness already accepts everything. Your current experience is happening because you (as consciousness) accept every single detail of this experience. This acceptance is the love of consciousness. 
But the acceptance of consciousness has nothing to do with past or future. Consciousness can accept only the now because this is the only thing that's real. But in this now moment, you can accept your current thoughts and feelings about the past and future.

So don't try to accept the past or the future. Human consciousness is not capable of accepting the past or the future. If it was capable, then we would experience multiple timelines at the same time. 

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We all know this is not about romantic love and nobody had described that. With that being said one should be able to take a paragraph that mentions love in it in a non-romantic example and change the word to accept or acceptance and it would mean the same thing

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11 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

one should be able to take a paragraph that mentions love in it in a non-romantic example and change the word to accept or acceptance and it would mean the same thing

Sorta but not quite.

Acceptance is part of it. But that is far too neutral and cold of a term. Love captures it perfectly. God doesn't merely accept itself. God is IN FUCKING LOVE with itself.

Imagine giving yourself an orgasm that never ends because you recognize how beautiful you are.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

It sounds a little over the top

Infinity may be like that.

Over the sides and bottom too ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yup God's sex is highest teaching. It's not nothing matters sorry @VeganAwake.

I am so proud of myself literally want to fuck myself right now. 

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one one side of the balance beam is the finite , the other the infinite.  Peace is there, on the beam 

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Acceptance is a step before appreciation. Appreciation is a step before love. And so on after that.... 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Nak Khid why do you ask if you already know the answer?

Yes, love is the consiquence of acceptence. It's a consiquence of braking your boundaries of individuality and becoming all inclusive.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

@Nak Khid why do you ask if you already know the answer?


I don't know the answer.   Leo said this once,

Love is acceptance

Others say

Love is understanding. 

Another concept:

Love is caring

For me, these particular statements are worth  reflecting on individually, elements of truth, quite subjective however


Edited by Nak Khid

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Good question. It really also  depends on the context you are asking....

I think basicly yes, but that doesnt mean you have to accept als sort of unkind behaviour.


I think it is more an inner acceptance- which can well be a clear outer no.

And as it was said here before, when you feel that kind of love, the acceptance comes naturatly. It is difficult to try to accept as the mind will always find somethint it doesnt like..

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On 4/20/2020 at 5:42 AM, Nak Khid said:

We all know this is not about romantic love and nobody had described that. With that being said one should be able to take a paragraph that mentions love in it in a non-romantic example and change the word to accept or acceptance and it would mean the same thing

Without understanding the underlying structure, there will not be clarity. The issue of underlying structure here is Sameness vs. Difference. Leo covers this well in this video. 

Without this understanding, one will not be aware of how they are conflating sameness and difference, as well as absolute and relative. If someone seeks an absolute answer within a relative context, there will not be clarity because the mind is not aware of how it is creating relative distinctions. 

The structure of your frame has an underlying assumption that “acceptance” and “love” have distinctions and then asks if they are the same, without distinctions. Without awareness of the underlying assumption, the mind will conceptualize forever without making any progress. It’s like asking “Does A = B?” without realizing the underlying assumption that there are distinctions between A and B.

As well, the frame does not look at the inter-rationship between parts and whole. It would be like asking “Is a leg a body?”. This cannot be answered as “yes” or “no” because the framing assumes a distinctive part of the whole. If we answer “yes, the leg is the body”, this is only partially correct. If we answer “no, the leg is not the body” it is also only partially correct. Similarly, “love” is and is not acceptance. 

The mind is oriented toward categorizing as either “the same” or as “different opposites”. With this orientation, the mind will not have the fluidity to see different contextual perspectives, inter-relatedness along various dimensions and simultaneous truth and falsity.

Yet all of this are still theoretical constructs. There is also post-theory that cannot be accessed through intellectual constructs. Here, it is best to relax the min and simply inquire “what is love?” without any theorizing or constructing.  

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On 4/20/2020 at 6:38 AM, Nak Khid said:

I don't know the answer.   Leo said this once,

Love is acceptance

Others say

Love is understanding. 

Another concept:

Love is caring

For me, these particular statements are worth  reflecting on individually, elements of truth, quite subjective however


At this moment in time, if put to a one world definition of love, I think caring is most apt

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True acceptance comes from awareness or understanding.

Awareness alone is curative...

It doesn't mean you have to like someone's behavior or necessarily tolerate it...

When you understand the mechanisms that create suffering... unconditional love in all situations results.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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