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Milos Uzelac

Chomsky on "The World after Coronavirus"

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Chomsky was guest at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at the Pardee School of Global Studies.

He described and outlined in it briefly the economic origins that execerbated this crisis and the two contending forces, corporate-orange and popular - blue and green, that will be at play and will struggle against each other to reshape, in accordance with their interests, the world orgnaized along the current international economic system's dysfunctional and extreme inequality caused systemic contradictions and its now extreme downturn in growth and loss in economic gains for example wiping out gains of 20 of year's against global poverty levels. 

There are two clips that last about 5 minutes each. Reccomend you watch them since if your have the time to  follow international political developments it's, in my opinion at least, a brief excellent analysis of the current state of affairs and useful guidelines of what one is to stratégize and think about moving forward and lasting in it. 



And yes hope you are all safe and sound, as much as possible during this, especially people from the U. S., U. K and India on the forum. 


Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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@Milos Uzelac Yep, it all goes back to the old adage

Socialism for the rich

Rugged Capitalist Individualism for the poor

Also where did you get this figure from?

On 20/04/2020 at 1:28 AM, Milos Uzelac said:

now extreme downturn in growth and loss in economic gains for example wiping out gains of 20 of year's against global poverty levels. 


Edited by IJB063

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7 hours ago, IJB063 said:

@Milos Uzelac Yep, it all goes back to the old adage

Socialism for the rich

Rugged Capitalist Individualism for the poor

Also where did you get this figure from?


Haven't finished reading the article but it's a figure that is postulated as highly possible by an Oxfam study article from April 9th and I heard the briefing about that article on Democracy Now interview with the vice-president of Oxfam Paul O'Brien, here's the link:

and the Oxfam report, if you have the time to read it, it's 18 pages:



"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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