Leo’s video Feedback

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On 4/19/2020 at 11:39 AM, DLH said:

It has come to my attention the topic title is not appropriate and has touched some people’s sensitive spots.  I apologize for the dramatic title.  Unfortunately, I am unable to change the title due to technicalities, but would like to change the titled to, “Leo’s video Feedback”.:x

I just watched your most recent video hoping I would learn something beyond my own DMT experiences, critical thinking, other spiritual modalities and research.  What I have learned was that you do have a grasp of some deeper aspects of consciousness and perspectives that differ from other conscious human mind POV.  But IMHO you are still just scratching the surface of what reality is from a 3-dimensional perspective and maybe a fourth. 

Don’t get me wrong, I resonate with many of your perspectives that you have graciously shared in your videos and comments in the forum.  Your ability to articulate and systematically discriminate thoughts, ideas and beliefs far exceed my own abilities.  

Having said that, I would like to see our forum members discuss the labels below in more depth, and go beyond the basics tossing around of these limited labels:

God = Love

Nothing = Everything

You are God

You are imagining everything

You are me

Only one Consciousness

Love is the answer!

Etc., etc., etc.

I feel these limited labels are used to freely in a limited 3D and some basic 4D perspectives, and would like to see us dig deeper into there full potential expression. 

You have shared with me many profound insights and perspectives and I would like to return the favor.  If you interested in exploring possibly deep aspects of reality!  May I suggest you read the following books:

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul.

The Nature of Personal Reality.

The "Unknown" Reality Vol. 1 &2

The Nature of the Psyche:

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1 &2

These books and perspectives are almost 50 plus years old and go much further down the rabbit hole then most of your thoughts, ideas, imaginations, beliefs and awareness than what you have shared so far.  Yes, the books are old, but no one that I have listened, watched, or read comes anywhere close to the depths of reality then these books share!

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but "No", you are not the most conscious human that every existed on this planet IMHO, and there are many more people that are way beyond your level of conscious understanding.  I am sharing this perspective with you out of Love.  Yes, it may be perceived as Tough Love, but it is still an aspect of Love to help point you into deeper levels of consciousness and awareness.

As a "fellow" student on the path towards consciousness and awareness, I would like to say that yes, I have had my ass kicked many, many times with tough love. Tough Love comes from many sources. 

With a profound level of Love, I hope you are willing to explore other possibilities and sources of knowledge! :x

A student sharing thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!

mmm this sounds yummy, lets open up this can shall we, and explore beyond the same old same old and not just toss around the dead buddha fish...

Now before reading this, give yourself the time and space to let in each if it opens up something, don't go on to the other, perhaps days apart, perhaps months....just allow for the space and time so to say.......

1.  God = Love, are just words, they mean nothing on their own, yada yada blah blah, same old same old right...... but in fact up to this point of following this sentence and in this moment of reading right now your in a frame work process of extracting meaning from what appears to be out there, out there in relation to a believed "in somewhere else", a you if you will, a awareness perhaps, could be said to be in a so called container refereed to as a body.  But again this to is one step removed from the factness of no outside or inside ever being true to begin with. 




2.  Nothing = Everything  Another yada yada blah blah....  or is it....  Is there a "everything" or a "nothing", like a object, you know a object, a thing, a something, a object right, something that has innate value on its own, with no need of a mind or a observer of it, that has quality emanating its itness without a need for someone to derive what that "definition come from the object" is.  Right...

But, but but wait its the so called person giving rise to the definition of the so called object which determines "the object", right!  Objects have no innate isness or emanating definition of their own accord....

hmmm.... perhaps its neither...... and before you wonder an alternative, resist the temptation and sit in the uknown long enough (COULD BE FOREVER, but its worth it right.....) to just maybe understand nothing=everything, love, self understanding.



3./4...5@ You are God, You are imagining everything, You are me...... 


      What are you?

  What is the definition of a "you"?  Have .... you?!?!?  thought about this?

         Now that you've?!? thought about what the definition of what a "you" is, do you??! fit that? 

 Did ?!you?? verify this with everyone?

   Did you? prove it?

                         Did others prove it......

   Ok is it true now? 

So, what are you????



...666... Only one Consciousness

Not two?  Not 3?  How about 4 or more......  Why not none?


<3 <3 <3.  Love is the answer!


The answer to what?  To a question.......?  A question about Life?  A question coming from a belief that already believes theres a problem that needs to be solved, thats out of order in some way, or not in a alignment with how things are supposed to be or should be??????

Look at this belief, is it true.........what says things are out of order, not right, not as good as they could be, that need to be fixed.  Is it true?  Or is it just a passing moment, a passing thought, a passing feeling, a passing thought/feeling/belief..... a passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing...... and when its finally passed ............................................................is...................................................................................................................................................................................


























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“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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On 4/21/2020 at 0:58 PM, Nahm said:


Isn’t ‘the past’ a belief though? 

How can there be an ‘unconscious belief’ which is contingent on another belief (the past)?

There are no ‘unconscious beliefs’.  There are no beliefs. There is only absolute Love, and everything perceived is absolute Love.  Consciousness is all there is.  We are the absolute Love.  There is no We, I, you, just Love = consciousness.

On 4/21/2020 at 0:58 PM, Nahm said:

What I’m getting at is all which could be said to be ‘needed’ to see, is already what is, what is presently thought & felt. That there is nothing beyond surface. (Ultimately revealing love & compassion aren’t a point of view, perspective, thought, subconscious, or belief.)

The All-That-Is, is, All-That-Is.  We are an imagination, a dreamed-up imagination of the one consciousness of the All-That-Is.  There is no separation. Everything is one, one source. You and I are subjective imagined images from Love, we are the one source of Love, there is no we, I, you!  just “Consciousness”.

POV, perspectives, thoughts, subconscious and beliefs are subjective abstract concepts within Love.  There can only be Love, and everything thought or feeling is Love, which is Love.  Love can only be Love. Nothing can touch Love, because there is nothing to touch.  Love = One = 0 = Consciousness = Nothingness = ...............

Edited by DLH

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