Eren Eeager

Insects as an alternative and much efficient source of protein

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@Preety_India You're not really going to feel the vitamins or minerals ingested in food right after a meal. The body needs a bit of time to assimilate them. It's mostly a matter of calorie density. As a reference, beef has 2.3 times more calories per gram than lentils. The plant fibers also make you feel bloated and tired when you are not used to them, but the issue goes away once your gut flora adapts to it, usually after at least 2 weeks.

It's hard to get convincing when it comes to the ethical aspect, but keep in mind that modern farming is pretty much industrialized torture. There is no greater amount of suffering being experienced right now on this planet at such a scale, and from a single cause. Some estimates 72 billions of land animals killed every year (source). Ironically, there isn't any necessary nutrient in animal-based "food" which isn't available in plants or supplements. Going vegan is often not so easy but always possible, unless you have some rare disease. Listen to your heart. 

Edited by gswva

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I'm already aware of it. I won't give up meat even though I know there's torture. 

My health comes first. So no compromises there. 

Humanity needs to find better solutions than Guilting people for eating meat. 

It's kinda lame.. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India You don't have to compromise. It's not like some humans are carnivores and not others. Most of us can thrive on a plant-based diet.

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I eat meat but I have to say its really impossible to justify eating meat. The farming is terrible and the thing we can justify it but if that was happening to say dogs or cats there'd be riots. 

I think realistically it's hard to get a whole nation to stop eating meat but we can start with eating less meat. I've heard this thing of eating meat everyday is a relatively new thing and has come about with our relative wealth compared to say 100 years ago. When I talk to my grandma she made it seem like meat was almost a treat you have it a couple times a week and that's it. 

I have tried myself to lessen how much meat I eat and have some vegetarian meals, to be honest I don't notice that much difference in my energy or anything like that. So this might be an option to encourage people to have 1 or 2 veg meals a week. 

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Personally I would actually say no to animal food. I didn't like the taste of meat without anything added to it since I was a child, but I kept going because the society told me to.
So you already tried a vegan diet with real good sources of protein?
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not judging and I don't pretend to be perfect or anything. I personally am just vegetarian not vegan and my diet is kinda poor anyway.
For me it's just disgusting now when I smell meat being cooked or something like that.

You can't consume animals without cruelty. Murder=cruelty.

In my opinion everyone who eats meat should first go spent some time with these animals and then go butcher these animals themselves and see afterwards if you want to continue.

I'm convinced in the future humanity will look down to us and see us as very primitive for eating animals.

I don't really see this is a prove even for yourself. Sure the diet might not have worked for you, but there are like thousands of ways to go about the diet. It's very biased in my view to say I tried once so it can't possibly work no matter what I do.
Just because you are eating meat doesn't mean your diet is healthy, meat also causes arteriosclerosis.
So you can have a bad diet eating meat and you can have a bad diet eating vegan. Pretty simple.

Did you take in B12 during your plant based diet? I suppose you didn't, so how would you know if this wasn't the problem?
As I said, the only reason you take in B12 from animals is because they are fed with artificial B12 aswell.

Simply reducing it is also a good first step already. :)

Edited by LaucherJunge

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4 hours ago, Consept said:

I eat meat but I have to say its really impossible to justify eating meat. The farming is terrible and the thing we can justify it but if that was happening to say dogs or cats there'd be riots. 

I think realistically it's hard to get a whole nation to stop eating meat but we can start with eating less meat. I've heard this thing of eating meat everyday is a relatively new thing and has come about with our relative wealth compared to say 100 years ago. When I talk to my grandma she made it seem like meat was almost a treat you have it a couple times a week and that's it. 

I have tried myself to lessen how much meat I eat and have some vegetarian meals, to be honest I don't notice that much difference in my energy or anything like that. So this might be an option to encourage people to have 1 or 2 veg meals a week. 

This terrible farming is a byproduct of capitalist society. The alternative is proutism (progressive utilization of the resources).

Imo eating meat is right, once a week, and high quality meat (grass fed) with ethical farming having the animals in nice conditions.

Our ancestrors would hunt, or sacrifice a big animal once in a while, and conserv the meat with salt and have food for weeks, showing respect to nature, and honoring the animal as a holy sacrifice that allowed the to keep being alive. This is beautiful, and ethical.

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Seems like twisted ethics.
What does sacrifice mean? It was a sacrifice because they had to hurt themselves, if you look at it from a view of Oneness, they sacrificed a part of themselves for another part to survive, because it was necessary. Now it's not necessary anymore, even on the contrary. 
Looking into the past for ethics is very backwards in my opinion.

That being said, of course a more conscious approach would always be better then what we have now.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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